Letters to the Editor [Archives:2000/40/Letters to the Editor]

October 2 2000

AN exceptional experience we got on August 22 2000.
We, QM Zaho and I, left Ataq after 1.5 hour waiting four a guide driver. Five minutes later we drove into flat land with sparse dry grass, shrubs, gravel and somewhere with pure golden sand. We, one more local landcruiser together, saw a couple of herdsmen families with camps and tankers, vehicles not far from the highway, a peaceful view. One hour later, before we came near an oil field pumping and ESP wells with flaring separation station, I believe, we noticed several lonely black hills with golden sand at their bottom.
Then it was an excited moment when we reached Block S2, Kharwah-1 well lying there in dried swamp quietly plus 2 water wells 6 km and one water well 10 more meters around. The new location of Al-Jameelah- I was a few kilometers away beyond one black hill. We passed to a fissured land and came to desert domes, our Ataq guide suggested a stop. New well location was a another 600m ahead.
We started our way back without Ataq companion toward Mareb-Sanaa direction westward. Very beautiful scenery indeed. Fissured land, shrub sand, arid grass, pure sand, gravel desert clearly one after another. It came to my mind that it might be a perfect ground to learn to drive. All of a sudden we almost fell off down to a valley. Thanks to our guard he managed the landcruiser back and drove us all the way forward following slopes and valley floors. A trick traveling! Thereafter, we witnessed Gannah Hunt and Yemen Hunt oil fields. An eye open separation and refinery, too. We met only one tourist group in a car shouting at us when we were at s2. Nobody 2 hours later was seen but some back moving relics of current habitants, which seem to remind man of something serious.
We were back to Mareb at 11:45. And Sanaa at 15:10. That was quick compared with our 9 hour journey going by highway the day before.
Liu Xiangang.
I would be grateful if you can send me a copy of the Yemen times to my address because its hardly found in laodar. I am ready to pay all the fees.
Ali Saleh Mashar
YOU can subscribe to the Yemen Times if you want it to be sent at your address. You are kindly requested to contact subscription office, ext: 209 or you can get the paper from Zinjobar or Jeaar. Editor
IT is well-known that revenge is considered a deep-rooted and bad phenomenon in our society in which many innocent persons are victimized.
Here is a story as an example of the other course: Once there was feud between two tribes. As a result, serious armed encounters erupted during which one of non-Yemeni teachers was shot to death.
Oddly enough, the tribe in which the victim was teaching decided right away to kill the non-Yemeni teacher available in the other tribe who was still deeply sad for the death of his friend.
Fortunately, he was saved by the security forces.
Finally, he left our country murmuring the leopard cannot change its spots.
Turki Mohammed Howel
Saadah Faculty
I appreciated the Yemen Times because of its broad spectrum of various pictures an individual article holds. Now, the current issue has a minimum of pictures until zero. Why? Pictures and text belongs together and make the effect of the single article and its statement, which I praised for the former issues of the Yemen Times. A source of which I, boarding member of the German-Yemeni Society, supported my own research and news source of Yemen. Not only me would be happy if you could enrich your future articles by various pictures, accompanying the single reports. Many thanks in advance.
With best wishes;
yours sincerely,
H.-W. Emrich
letter to “the” editor
this is a message to the editor who left
when your plane took off, we sat down and wept
like there is no tomorrow, and too much to take
if you were to see us your heart would break
but then a hero comes a long
with the strength to carry on
and i finally saw the truth
that a hero lies in me
and so, today, a mission was complete
first issue after you left, with the whole world i compete
your absence left a gap than no one could fill
yet i think i made you proud, and so i will.
