Letters to the Editor [Archives:2002/22/Letters to the Editor]
Are you afraid of religious parties?
Imagine what would happen if a Jew killed himself along with many Arabs in a traditional market. What would be your reaction? You all will all condemn the act. As long you guys celebrate the killing of innocent civilians there will be no sympathy with the killers of kids and women.
More than seventy thousand people were killed by the Islamists in Algeria. Yet, I have not seen any condemnation. Are you afraid of the thugs in the religious parties? It seems so.
Hussain Ali Salah al-Zaydi
Suggesting an article on Yemeni Jews
I want to suggest an idea to help the small Jewish community in Yemen which may total a few hundred. As we read in many news reports from visitors there, the Jewish community is holding tight to the “Ultra Traditional” Jewish Religion.
In our view, these Jews are the “Original” Jews from the time of the Temple. We heard that they have elementary schools with young educated teachers.
A nice article from a local Yemeni newspaper, reporting the lifestyle of those Jews, would be a great idea to show the world how the real Jews keep their religion and live in peace with their Muslim neighbors. This seems to be very similar to the Jewish community that consisted of thousands of religious families in Jerusalem, when it was the capital of Palestine until the dark day in 1948 when the State of Israel was first founded.
In Jerusalem itself as well as across the world, there are still thousands of Ultra Orthodox Jews who wish to see a peaceful way out in the current conflict, and would like to be able to live in Old Jerusalem in the same conditions that were there during the 1930s.
Rachel Freid
[email protected]
Yemeni youth deserve better
Tank you very much. You have put the medicine on the wound in your editorial of May 20. You have struck the sensitive areas and I hope that the responsible can take this opinion into considration. It is now time for our elders, fathers, grandfathers and teachers to get a rest. We call them to give the talented, qualified new generation a chance to emerge with great potential and serve Yemen.There are many talents discouraged. Why do we no give our youth get any credibility?
Yemenis youths are very ambitios. But soon their ambition changes to desparation. This is because they find all doors closed.
I call all honourable Yemenis to think of this conditional sentence: If you do not give us enough chance to stand and build the next Yemen, who will encourage and trust us?
Abdulwahhab A. Al-Sofi
[email protected]