Letters to the Editor [Archives:2002/23/Letters to the Editor]

June 3 2002

Boycott US good(s)?
I agree that boycotting American products hurt Arab middlemen the most. At least it will if it is not coordinated. The US economy will not be affected, because the percentage of the profits made from the Arab world is futile.
Even these lines are written on Windows operated PC, dressed in jeans while listening to Jazz. But the fact that we use American products does not change the fact that internally we are not Americans. Nor does the spread of American culture, or the lack of it if you like, mean we are becoming Americans. We have our own culture, our own resources and our own minds.
Not buying American goods is meant to send a signal, not to hurt the American economy. If the Arab world really wants to do that there are better ways. Raising oil prices by decreasing the production of crude oil will do the trick. Signals like that will not get by unnoticed and will seriously weaken the position of Mr Bush and change his foreign policies.
As a European I find it great to see that people in Arab countries are willing to take action even if it hurts themselves more than the intended goal. The only thing that makes me wonder is why their governments do not openly take action and chose sides. Openly stating we will not tolerate the way you handle the Palestine matter or the so called War against Terrorism and back that up with appropriate and proportionate actions is the way to go.
Pyns Bosker
Email: [email protected]
Responding to Gary Vey
Regarding Gary Veys letter about the American Way, a few facts would be helpful. First, millions of Asians did not die in the Vietnam War, the number instead is in the hundreds of thousands, although millions did die in Cambodia at the hands of the Communist Khmer Rouge after the U.S. pulled out in 1973. Second, half a million Americans did not die in the war. The true number is closer to 50,000 as everyone of their names is inscribed on the Wall in Washington DC.
In the second part of his letter Mr. Vey states that President Bush needs the Jewish vote (who make up 2% of the population) to get re-elected. Considering he won only 19% in his first campaign and no modern Republican has won more than 25% one can rest assured that electoral considerations are not a factor in his decision making process.
Finally, public opinion is not drifting toward the Palestinians, just the opposite. This is evidenced by the recent pro-Israeli resolutions passed by both Houses of Congress, in the Senate by a vote of 96 to 2.
Brian Cunningham
[email protected]
