Letters to the Editor [Archives:2003/01/Letters to the Editor]

January 6 2003

Response to the Editor
I would like to respond to the viewpoint of the editor entitled “What does the future hold?” published in issue 52/2002. Actually, the future is in your own hands. Fanatics in the Middle East have caused the problem. If you had not attacked us (USA), we would not be involved to the extent we are. If we (USA) had not stopped Saddam from invading Kuwait and Saudi Arabia, what would be your present as well as your future? If we do not stop Saddam’s quest to rule the Middle East with his murderous weapons, what would your future be? Face up to reality. Some Yemenis participated in the attack on America and I hope they would be hunted down and killed wherever they are hiding. I have respect for man to man confrontation but I have complete disgust with killers who run and hide to escape retaliation. They are murderers and cowards and deserve extermination. And if Yemen does not have the stature to get rid of these people, you deserve the consequences of our American present and the resulting future.
The impending removal of Saddam is the best thing that can happen for your future. If you can’t control murderers, then you deserve whatever occurs.
Allyn Cee
[email protected]
Old scuds, what benefit?
What benefit would Yemen get from importing the scud missiles it recently bought from North Korea? They are so inaccurate that they are useless. Yemen could not use them against Israel or any neighbor. The only practical use for these is to deliver chemical or biological weapons and you would be lucky to hit your target. Moreover, they are notoriously unreliable. One third of those missiles does not even make it out of the boost phase never mind reach the target.
Thomas Richard
[email protected]
Living in US vs. living in Yemen
While I enjoy life in America, I can’t help but think how things are in Yemen today. When I came to the U.S in 1973 I was just 12 years old, and lots of things have change since then. You in Yemen Times have been the best source in keeping Yemenis in exile informed about things happening in their home country. Maybe someday we can live in our land like we live over here. I do travel to Yemen once in a while to see my family in Guban, near Radaa. I hope we stay in touch.
Mohamed Mohamed (Livonia)
[email protected]
We have freedom, you don’t
Muslims seem to think that the war on terrorism is a war against all Muslims. You “Muslims” stood by Iraq when it attacked its neighbor in the early 90s. You continue to blame the USA for the problems in the Middle East when in reality you cannot even live peacefully next to your “Muslim” neighbors. If the Muslims feel that the war on terrorism is against all Muslims then so be it.
By the way, most Americans feel that the goal of Muslims is to kill everyone who is American or Non-Muslim. We feel the same way you do. So may the better man win! We will both pray to God for victory. Let Him sort out the dead. One more thing, in America you can worship in any religion you want. Can you do that in the Arab world? Freedom is the greatest gift of all. We have it. You don’t
Joe L.
