More “What if”s [Archives:2003/630/Letters to the Editor]

April 7 2003

Valerie Sedor
Binghamton, NY USA

What if 9/11 never happened?
What if Saddam Hussein was a peaceful man that did not gas his own people?
What if the Arab community did not preach hate?
What if the Arab community did not teach their children to hate by parading them around holding signs of hate?
What would happen if America never sent billions of dollars of humanitarian aid to Arab countries?
What would happen if America did not help feed Arab countries?
What if terrorism stopped?
What if your newspaper preached messages of love instead of hate.
We here in America do not hate the Arab nations. You won't see us in the streets holding up hate signs. If the Arab nations could only channel their energies into feeding their people and building up their economy, none of this would have to be. And I am only a 50 year old mother from America.