Murder crimes the highest in 2005, security reports [Archives:2006/942/Reportage]

May 1 2006

Yasser Al-Mayasi
The ministry of Interior issued its official crime-related report on the 22nd of April. The report mentions statistics of the crimes committed in 2005.

Official reports and statistics recently issued by the ministry of interior about crime in Yemen for year 2005 revealed that the number of committed crimes was 936 cases. The report classified the crimes into three categories: widely spread crimes, average spread and limited spread crimes.

The crimes' rate also varies in number from one governorate to another. Ibb governorate came first in willful murder crimes, scoring 101 cases. The Capital secretariat came next with 96 registered cases. There were 94 cases in Amran, 85 in Dhamar and 77 cases in Taiz. The rest of the 76 cases were distributed among the other governorates.

Also, the report confirmed that car robbery cases were 624 around the republic. There were 268 arson cases committed in 18 governorates. One hundred and three fraud cases were reported in 18 governorates.

The statistics showed that currency forgery crimes were 107 in 15 governorates, of which the Capital secretariat came first followed by Saada and Taiz.

According to the report, willful murder and burglary were the most widespread and common crimes during the past year. They were followed by attempted murder, intentional assault, damaging private properties and car and trading stores' theft occurring in 20 governorates. Coming third was the act of stealing private car contents and resisting authorities. Arson, highway robbery and drinking alcohol was the forth most wide spread crime registered in 18 governorates.

Simultaneously, an economic report recently issued by the Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation, considered poverty as a greatest challenge to development. It warned that crime rate would rise in Yemen due to increasing poverty, unemployment rates and expense of living. The report considered unemployment as a serious ongoing economic problem rising from 11.9% in 2000, to 16.3% in 2005 of the total population. These problems are concentrated in the age groups of 15-19 and 20-24.

The report warned of the negative impacts of unemployment, which are evident in the continuation of decline of living standards, the failure of families to avail sufficient food and appropriate medical treatment. This is in turn increases the peoples' vulnerability to diseases and epidemics. Many families due to their economic need opt to sending their children out of school and into the labor market. By that, aggravating unemployment and increasing crime risk especially theft and murder.

The mentioned report of the Ministry of interior depended on the security records provided by authorities around the republic. However, there are a number of murder cases, robbery and burglary that are not reported to the security. These crimes are often resolved by the sheikhs or through arbitration especially in the remote areas. Generally, the crimes that are not reported to the security are not intentional and are often caused by mistakes. Honor crimes are also not reported to security because they are a blemish according to Yemeni society culture and traditions. Many social experts warn of spread of such crimes especially as law is not enforced and that economic deterioration which is the cause of most of the crimes is not addressed.