Noor, Mohanad and Turkish series!! [Archives:2008/1205/Community]

November 6 2008

By: Lamis Abdulkarim Ahmed Shuga'a
[email protected]

Just a couple of months ago, it was shown in some channel on TV a Turkish series entitled 'Noor'. Surprisingly and unexpectedly, that series paid the attention of thousands people in different Arabic countries in general and in Yemen in particular.

In fact, I was one of those audiences since I watched it as a reaction of the strange phenomenon that happened during the presentation of that series. I decided to watch the rest of that drama, nearly the last 25 episodes, when I noticed that a lot of people of different ages talked about that 'great story' with the 'attractive events'!! The admiration of that series was also represented by some advertisements and programs on TV discussing the effects of that series on people's life. There were also different kinds of comments and conversations that took a place in public streets, at work, at universities and so on.

The series was about a very romantic love story which took a place between a husband and a wife, whereas the plot was normal, namely, nothing is unusual. The main idea of that series was about the usual marital problems occurred between a husband and a wife. However, those problems didn't finish easily, as expected and as happened usually. In other words, when one of them confesses of his/her fault and says sorry to the other one, then, the problem is over. What attract the people to the events, on the other hand, was the different ways of apologizing of one of them to the other. Those ways were represented by giving gifts, saying a lot of sweet words, making fanciful deeds, asking invitation, etc. It was also noticed that the process of “forgiveness”” takes very long time!! In short