Poland-Yemen relations can be enhanced [Archives:2004/786/Letters to the Editor]

November 1 2004

Irena Little
i.little1@ntlworld. com

I am so pleased to know, that Poland and Yemen begin to know and to understand each other.
In these days of fast communication we are no longer so far away, as we once were.
I am trying to find out more about your interesting country with such a long history.
I am hoping to come across some clear pictures of the sights of interest. We in the North know so little about your fauna and flora, about the change of seasons. Do you have autumn when trees become yellow and red or brown and then loose their leaves altogether? Do you have winter when nature is dormant awaiting the coming back to life in the springtime?
What are the coldest temperatures that you ever experience and what are the hottest days? Do you get sand storms and if you do how do you cope with them?
Does your country welcome young students, tourist from Europe who would like to come on holiday to get to know your ancient country? Or do you prefer to keep yourselves to yourselves and the life of the European tourist could be in danger, from people who do not welcome visitors?
I wonder how many of your readers know where Poland is? Do they know about our capital city Warsaw, with the most beautiful Lazienki Park and piano concerts by the monument of the Chopin, with the audience basking in the sun amongst the roses? Have they ever heard about the historic ex-capital Cracow, which was invaded by the tartars of Gegis Khan Army a long time ago?
Have they ever heard of Tatra Mountains with the wealth of natural beauty: waterfalls, fast flowing rivers and alpine strawberries and bear reserve?
Have they ever heard of Bialowieza Forest with the wild bison being protected for the Earth? Can they understand how lovely it can be to walk in the Polish forest and rest on the green carpet of mosses and forest plants? Can they imagine the Polish village with flowers covered meadows and the fragrant air around?
It would seem to me, that while we all inhabit this ever shrinking planet Earth there is so much we still do not understand about other countries and cultures, which developed in different climates and varied conditions.
I wonder what are the issues, which the Yemeni people regard as pressing at the moment?
What are their major hopes and aspirations?
Perhaps you could do us a favour and include on your web site a tourist information section with the photos of the places you are most proud of and the trees and flowers, which are found in your country but not in the North? Then people like me who can not come and see it but would very much like to, can appreciate the beauty of your land from afar.