Poor Aden [Archives:2006/926/Letters to the Editor]
Sadeq Mohsen Ali Karamah
[email protected]
After 30 years I visited Aden, and to my shock I am honestly disappointed at what I witnessed. The city is in a pathetic shape and is a ghost city, despite what I expected to see of some progress. The country is neglected and is poorly maintained. The municipality is doing nothing to improve the image and beautification of the city, and on the contrary allow the illegal shanty buildings within the city and as a result the streets are narrow and dusty. The roads are still potholes and many areas remain without streetlight. The stench of gutter and garbage is everywhere on the street, and it is a breeding ground for mosquitoes, cockroaches and rats. Allah knows what else.
The newly built Sierra and Abyan corniche resorts are an eye sore and in poor taste. The public lacks proper taxis and anyway most of the vehicles on the road are a laughing matter and should be seriously reviewed and written off the road.
Public service departments are not functioning, and much bribery is destroying the security of the country. I could point out a lot of neglect but it will take a lot of space. The only progress I saw are some the few buildings built by investors. As a proud Yemeni, I need to see my country prosper and develop and its image matches the great history and civilization of glorious Yemen.