Preparations Continue for NGO Conference [Archives:1998/19/Local News]

May 11 1998

Preparations are fully underway for the First Conference for NGOs in Yemen, which will be held during 16-18 June, 1998. Last week, six sub-committees were formed to attend to the logistics and procedural aspects of the conference.
Yemen Times learned that many European and Canadian NGOs will be participating in the meeting, along with their Yemeni counterparts.
The purpose of the conference is:
1) To present feedback and comments on the draft law on NGOs, which is presently under preparation by the government;
2) To establish channels of cooperation and partnership between foreign and Yemeni NGOs;
3) To set up a network of contact for Yemeni NGOs in order to facilitate the exchange of ideas, expertise, and other information as well as to promote joint effort.
4) To enhance NGO participation in public life.
