Press Review [Archives:1999/15/Press Review]

April 12 1999

Sanaa Weekly, Mouthpiece of the Armed Forces,
A: Front-Page Headlines:
1. President Saleh to the Leaders of Political Parties: “Democracy is a comprehensive system, and mistakes have to be corrected with speed.”2. Resumption of Field Teams in Yemen-Saudi Border Negotiations, and Next Round Is in Saudi Arabia.
3. The Vice President: “The results of my visit will be translated into work on the ground soon.”
4. Yemeni Humanitarian Assistance Plane for Kosovo Muslims.
B: Issue’s Editorial:
At a time when the NATO strikes against the Serbian regime are intensifying, because Slobodan Melosevic refuses to accept the right of the people of Kosovo to their self-rule, the plight of the Kosovars seems to increase. Indeed, the whole region of Kosovo seems to have been emptied of its people, as part of the ethnic cleansing tactics of the Belgrade regime.
The human suffering of the refugees, whose numbers are fast approaching one million, has also reached tragic levels, with no relief or solution in sight.
Now, some intriguing questions come to mind. If the goal of the NATO air strikes are to guarantee the safety and security of the Kosovars, what can we say about their conditions and predicament, which can be described as genocide. The conclusion is that the Kosovars have not found the safety and security the air strikes were supposed to achieve.
We can say that the air strikes have proven to be inadequate in achieving the objectives outlined.
The Republic of Yemen, as it follows these tragic developments with anguish and concern, calls on the Islamic nations to carry out their human, moral and religious role in supporting the Muslims of Kosovo, and not to let them stand alone against the barbarism they are exposed to, which is displayed on our television screens.
It also calls on the world community to quicken its emergency support in order to reduce the pain and fear on the faces of the Kosovars. The world should also apply pressure to the Belgrade regime to stop its bloody campaign and ethnic cleansing, and to come back to the foundations that will bring stability and peaceful co-existence among all groups of people in this explosive region.
