Press Review [Archives:2001/05/Press Review]

January 29 2001

22 January 2001, Weekly, mouthpiece of Arab Baath Party 
Kidnappers of Maswari’s son claims that the abducted owes him weapons for 40 million rial
President Ali Abdullah Saleh ordered the Sheikhs of Khawlan to pressurize the kidnappers of the son of Hussein Al-Maswari, General Secretary of Sanaa City, so as to release him . On the other hand, the Sanaa Sheikhs have met and decided that Sheikh Dammani Nasser Al-Salami will mediate and negotiate with the kidnappers and learn their demands so as to arrive at a satisfactory solution for . Sheikh Dammani went to kidnapping area, but returned empty handed.
The abductors, headed by Mohamed Ali Siraj, claim that the son of Maswari had bought weapons and other material costing around YR 40 million without paying him, hence he decided to kidnap him.
Also, Bani Dhabian told Al-Ihya that they intend to file a lawsuit against Mohammed Ali Saleh Al-Salimi, one of the Sheikhs of Bani Dhabian in protest of what it had earlier published against the tribe in particular, and Khawlan in general.
