Press Review [Archives:2003/09/Press Review]

February 3 2003

Al-Sahwa weekly, 27 Feb.2003.
Main Headlines:
-JMP demands national alignment proceeding from the citizen need, homeland interest
-Nasserite organization SG: President’s concept of national alignment more comprehensive than GPC’s working paper
-Outdated army helicopter causes killing 8 military men
-Parliament passes demonstration bill
-Opposition parties stick to their electoral demands
In a front-page stories, editor in chief says all demand Iraq to implement international resolutions and dismantle its weapons.
This is the only important thing; the remaining is merely retouches. Nevertheless, the say there could be a role to be played by non-aligned states amidst a world dominated by one super power and one alliance. Our main problem as Arabs is that we have no regime giving opportunity to those capable of acting when the regime is enable to do as. There is a big gap between ambition and action. Iraq is not alone living the ordeal. Each Arab citizen sees Iraq an example in which he sees himself and future, but all do not possess what we can change the situation with. American cannot be able to do everything, but the enables add force to it with their incapability. A citizen trained by authority that the only way to keep his job and life is by keeping silent, could not be a soldier in battle for defending freedom.
Al-Jamaheer weekly, organ of the Arab Baath Socialist party, 23 Feb.2003.
Main Headlines:
-Kuwait announces aggression on Iraq imminent, prince Bandar warns Arabs opposing the aggression
-American, Gulf fears from attacks by al-Qaeda on Naval targets in the Gulf
-Netherlands call its national to leave Yemen
-Hisbollah Secretary-General: Washington accomplice with Arab dictatorships’ crimes
-Saudi security measures in precaution of any emergency
the editor in chief says in his opinion that many political analysts that the world is in the process of an economic geographic and political re-shaping. This situation would enforce bases and foundations depending on trends of singling out nature of the capitalist monopoly stage which refer to conflict of interests leading to changing the world into monopolistic zones of influence. It is dialectically conceded that the European-American conflict, taking Iraq as its façade, represents the beginning of the formation depicting characteristics of the New World order founded on monopolizing and plundering of people’s riches. The process begins with the weak links, which represent the political structure of the Arab order, rendering the Arab countries the more exposed ones to plundering and fragmentation. According to this understanding, and after failure of the Arab political system at Arab foreign ministers conference in Cairo to raise to the level of responsibility for preventing the impending dangers against it, any other activity, whether a summit or other else, would effect more division and weakness. It is especially so if we take into account that the Arab summit on March 1 would be chaired by Bahrain whose king stated the necessity of rushing the attack on Iraq, when the king was on a visit to America. As the Arab people have lost hope in their political regimes, the Arab people’s stand is still the hope of the nation on the bid for stopping the concerns monopoly advance on the nation. This stand can be realized by:
National joining of forces in each Arab country, and adherence of the people’s action to the political action to establish united leaderships from political parties, and mass organizations,
Effecting pan-Arab alignment and formation of pan-Arab political leaderships to lead Arab masses’ resistance to aggression targeting the entire Arab entity,
Supporting Iraq with all available ways and means in the way strengthening its steadfast stands against the Zionist-American aggression.
Al-Wahdawi weekly, mouthpiece of the Nasserite Unionist Organization, 25 Feb.2003.
Main Headlines:
-JMP demands judiciary committee to oversee elections
-Elections committee admits existence of a quarter million name under legal age
-Massive demonstration in Taiz against war in Iraq
-Voters registers, not allowed to be handed to political parties
-NUO secretary general; economic reform program destroyed revolution’s gains
-JMP agrees on unified viewpoint
-Armed clashes between citizens and security troops in Bani Matar
-Fears from increase in Aids cases in Hodeida
Columnist Ali al-Saqqaf writes that although the U.S. failed to find one clue proving Iraq’s possession of mass destruction weapons, and despite UN inspectors report refuting allegations of America & Britain, the U.S. is still talking about mass destruction weapons. It will continue talking about this even if the Iraqis have destroyed their personal pistols. America is looking for another type of weapons; its’ the Iraqi oil, which according to an Arab oil expert, represents a question of life & death for America. Because the American oil is about to deplete, it will use all means to seize the Arab oil, which America considers as its right and must be its property, especially those U.S. oil companies control the decision-making power in the U.S. there companies believe existence of oil in the Arab region a geological mistake needed to be straightened by invasion and occupation. The present American administration would not hesitate from killing millions of Arabs to achieve its aims and to revive its ancestor’s crimes who annihilated millions of red Indians. America’s aggression would not be averted or stopped without a united Arab rejectionist attitude, provided it is a practical stand, not confined to statements of oral refusal and condemnation.
Al-Balagh weekly, 25 Feb. 2003.
Main Headlines:
-America declares the new ruler of Iraq
-A close associate to Sheikh al-Mouyad, a spy to America
-Threats to blast Yemen’s Central Bank
-Al-Bakry disappeared in Bangkok, the FBI sends al-Shaiba file to the British police
-A security source denies the helicopter crash as an act of sabotage
-Diplomats expects release of al-Mouyad companion next few days
-False information to prime minister to detain al-Arousi
-GPC skeptical on JMP possible agreement on united list in the elections
In his weekly column, the editor in chief says maybe it is a bad omen that some of the political regimes do not correctly read the world situation and movement of some western countries. Concerning the French on the German stand with regard to Iraq it is a refusal of the use force without a resolution by the UN Security Council. It is a clear is in defense of international legitimacy, the UN, and the Security Council. It is a rejection of U.S. unilateral action leading to rendering the Security Council a nominal body and the “Veto” right ineffective. This stand is against the U.S. attempt to end the international legitimacy. The conflict centers on Europe’s role in this world and on which controls which. The European unity is about to complete elements of its power and renascence to become a pole parallel to the American pole. This is what America refuses and tries to act ahead of time before the European union could complete its power. Oil is an important element of power and the axis of European-American conflict and dispute, and we the Arabs are the victims in between. The Arab dark tunnel would be illuminated only by return to building the people, the Arab-Islamic economy and drawing up strategies to acquire elements of power and independence.
Al-Tagamou weekly, organ of Yemen’s Unionist congregation party, 24 Feb. 2003.
Main Headlines:
-Implementers of Limburg operation, detected
-Al-Tagamou party stresses holding the elections on their date
-Al-Tagamou party calls for serious dialogue to surmount crisis
-List of al-Qaeda linked wanted, circulated
-World Insurance companies get informed on security measures before having agreement with Yemen
-No Yemeni facilities in the war against Iraq
On the Iraq crisis, Dr. Saudi Ali Ubaid lists a number of facts:
It has become obvious to the world that Iraq is completely empty from weapons of mass destruction, and that since 1998 Iraq has not conducted any tests pertaining such weapons and has not developed them. This was reflected in the inspection teams’ reports last November.
The world has clearly seen the indefinite cooperation Iraq is offering to present inspection teams even at the expense of its sovereignty and dignity of its people, unlike the U.S. administration allegations.
The world has become clearly certain that the American stand, along with that of Britain, has nothing at all to do with the issue of weapons of mass destruction and banned activities and consequently to get rid of them, because they do not exist in this country. This without any doubt confirms there are other declared and undeclared targets by this American administration.
The world in general, and Europe in particular, has realized the danger that the U.S. unilateral governing the Arab Gulf region for a long time if it were to achieve its goals.
Against all their evident facts and against the rally behind Iraq to stave off the war on it, there is a defeatist and intimidated Arab stand. This can be attributed to weakness of the Arab political system composed of a number of descriptions, which collectively from features of the current situation.
RAY weekly, organs of sons of Yemen league party, 25 Feb.2003.
Main Headlines:
-Holland evacuates its subjects from Yemen
-Kuwait arrests 3 al-Qaeda linked persons
-Twenty-four million dollars, a World Bank loan to Yemen
-Preparations underway for holding Arab conference on mineral wealth in Sana’a, next October
The newspaper editorial says the RAY party decided not to take part in the coming parliamentary elections unless there is a change confirming that the parties of the political process are serious in the effort of getting out of the bottle neck of total absence of all components of stability and development. Change is the indicator to availability of elements of life and vitality in this society or that. Political change in the region and Yemen is an inevitably occurring issue. Many countries responded to it and managed it the way that realizes their interests and it is coming to Yemen inevitably. If outdated mechanisms and practices of elections are stabilized, it will be natural that expected results are a deformed copy. And this intercepts the scientific reading of the entire region’s situations and Yemen’s in particular. The RAY decision comes as a result of an objective reading of the region’s situation which is experiencing one of the most complicated stages of its history. It comes to stress that development and charge must be guidance to our life.
