Price hikes deprive Yemenis of Ramadan foods [Archives:2008/1192/Reportage]

September 22 2008

Saddam Al-Ashmori
For the Yemen Times

Yemeni citizens complain that due to sky-rocketing food prices, they are unable to afford many of the items they are accustomed to consuming during the fasting month of Ramadan. A typical Ramadan meal would include a wide variety of foods including pasta, dates and many types of deserts.

Abdu Humaid Mujali says that he can't provide a variety of food for his family this Ramadan because of high prices. “We can hardly provide necessary food this year due to the increase of prices. There are therefore various typical dishes missing on our Ramadan table.””

Hussein Eidhah Al-Matari said that when he goes shopping in Ramadan he finds it difficult to buy all sorts of food as in the past. “”Amid this price hikes