Sana’a University Staff Members Syndicate calls for strike [Archives:2007/1050/Local News]

May 14 2007

SANA'A, May 13 ) Sana'a University Staff Members Syndicate called for a partial strike, starting from Saturday, May 12 and continues for two days. The strike is scheduled to be two hours a day.

The syndicate's spokesman Abdullah Al-Azazi assured they will escalate their strike to be four hours a day as of Tuesday, May 15 and until Thursday, May 17. He added that they will start an open and inclusive strike, which will continue until all demands and rights of staffers are met, on Saturday, May 19.

In a statement released by the syndicate, the staffers noted that their strike comes after they staged a number of protesting activities such as pleading a case agaist the government and meeting many officials in different government institutions.

It added that the government parties resorted in the past to signing agreements to escape strike dilemma; while they stalled the implementation of such agreements including the last agreement signed on April 7 and upon which demonstration was abolished then.

The statement also indicated that such measures are taken because of politicizing academic and administrative jobs and linking appointments with political affiliations instead of capability and eligibility.

Moreover, the statement asked for implementing wages and salaries law numbered 43 issued in 2005, stressing the importance of correcting all shortcomings that accompanied transferring them to new jobs ladder. It also demanded clearing campus from arms especially when many aggression cases were recorded against some staff members.

Meanwhile, the statement called on all civil society organizations and mass media to react with the nation's issues and work for reforming the university education and meeting the staffers' demands as prerequisites for reforming the whole society.