Scottish view of Yemen [Archives:2003/626/Letters to the Editor]

March 10 2003

Millicent Coutts
[email protected]

I have just recently visited my husband who is currently working in Sana'a. My visit was originally for one week, but I extended it to three, as I have become so very fond of your lovely country.
Due to all the publicity we receive back home, which unfortunately isn't all good, I was quite apprehensive about visiting Yemen. However, not waiting to miss the chance of a lifetime by making my first ever visit to the Middle East and being an inquisitive Scottish female, I just had to come on this trip.
During my lifetime I have met many people from all walks of life, creeds and cultures, but the people of the Yemen are by far the most hospitable, friendly and charming I have ever met.
Even the guards at the various checkpoints I had to encounter on my visits to the different surrounding villages were very polite and obliging.
At this moment in time the whole of our planet is experiencing many different conflicts due to the foolishness of the powers in control. It is my sincere wish that the people of Yemen continue to hold onto their traditions and culture which they should be proud of and which many of us could learn from.
Hoping to return to your country soon and wishing your people much happiness for the future in such difficult times.