Sha’ab Area Appeals for Services [Archives:2001/32/Reportage]
Ahmed Hazza An’am
Sha’ab is a large region with many villages located between Qabbeta and Sabbeha provinces of Lahj governorate, and is in the shape of a long valley between two chains of high mountains. The population of the area, almost exceeding 15000 inhabitants, lives in the middle and lower parts of these mountains.
Sha’ab has been the most famous name in Yemen before and after the independence of the former Southern Yemen from the British Empire in 1967. The origins of several renowned figures in Yemen are traced in Sha’ab, such as the first late president Qahtan Mohd Asshaabi, the first late prime Minister Faisal Abdullateef, the first parliament speaker of the unified Yemen the last prime Minister of the former P.D.R.Y.1990 Dr. Yaseen Saeed Noman, and other warriors who were the pioneers of the 14th October.
The living standards in Sha’ab are so low that it is believed a human being cannot survive there due to starvation, sickness, illiteracy, lack of drinking water and rainfall.
The bad prevailing situation in the region is being witnessed because of absence of energy projects, equipment, schools, hospitals, agricultural irrigations. Dry climate in the valley further aggravates the situation from bad to worse.
Even the concrete roof of the only small school, available in the middle of Sha’ab valley and built in 1968, is likely to fall down at any moment and could consequently endanger innocent students and small children if not rebuilt in a short time. This potential disaster would inevitably cast a political disgrace and a bolt in the history of the region.
To avoid such catastrophe, it is imperative that a quick action must be taken to renovate the collapsing old school but, in the same time, more schools must be set up to fullfil the needs of an increasing population.
Sha’ab has so far being neglected by the influential officials responsible for project planning and financial budgeting. Hence, funds must be provided to the local population through those who are in charge of the “Sha’ab Welfare Association” which is located in Sana’a. This objective would be accomplished only if we, as human beings, understand what is humanity and the human rights of Sha’ab population which deserves to survive.
I hope that the President and all the Human Society Organizations will do their best to save the people in Sha’ab from such a perennial deprivation and the existing frustration ever since.