Spying on Americans [Archives:2006/932/Letters to the Editor]

March 27 2006

Harold S Kramer
[email protected]
Marblehead, MA

Bush's spying on American citizens is illegal, unconstitutional, and much worse. I believe Bush's warrant less eavesdropping on American citizens is just another instance, among many, which characterizes the Bush administration as absolutely and categorically fascist.

Countless news articles and publications by noted political, legal and historical experts argue that the Bush administration is comparable to the fascist regimes of Hitler, Mussolini, Franco, Suharto, and Pinochet. There is more than enough published evidence to characterize the Bush administration's policies as fascist, especially his using propaganda and fear to rally support for his so-called “War on Terrorism.”

Bush's policies read like other fascist regimes:

– Obsession with National Security

– Supremacy of the Military – Militarism and Empire Building

– Corporate Controlled Mass Media; intertwined Religion and Government

– Merged State and Corporate Powers (wealthy Power Elite)

– Rampant Cronyism and Corruption

– Frenzied Patriotism

– Fraudulent Elections and Serious Voting Irregularities

– Disdain for Intellectuals, Scientists and Artists

– Sexism (homophobia, anti-abortion)

– Obsession with Crime and Punishment

– Executive Supremacy

– Disdain for the Recognition of Human and Civil Rights.

Too many Americans are willing to overlook encroachments on their civil liberties in the name of “loyalty to the Commander-In-Chief”, because we are 'at war'. However, I am convinced that America is in extreme danger of becoming a fascist state. Regrettably, the US Congress seems intransigently unwilling to call a halt to Bush's illegal spying, restrict his torture and illegal detention of “prisoners of war”” and otherwise hold him to account for his many misdeeds. Who will hold Bush accountable?