Text of the Yemeni-Saudi Land and Marine Border Treaty (Signed on 12 June, 2000)   This is an unofficial translation of the text of the historic Yemeni-Saudi Marine and Land Treaty [Archives:2000/26/Treaty]

June 26 2000

Article (1): The two contracting parties confirm imperativeness and legality of Taif treaty and its annexes, including the borders reports annexed to it. They also confirm their commitment to the memorandum of understanding signed by the two countries on 27 Ramadhan H.D. 1415.
Article (2): The final and permanent borderline between the Republic of Yemen and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is delineated as follows:
a- Part one: This part begins from the coastal mark on the Red Sea (wharf Ras Al-Mua’j Shami of Radif Qarad outlet), its coordinates are: parallel (8, 14, 24, 16) north and longitude(7, 19, 46, 42) east, ending at the sign of Tha’r mountain, coordinates (58, 21, 44)east, and (00, 26, 17) north, its details are shown by coordinates contained in annex No. (1). Identity of villages situated on course of this part of the borderline is defined according to what had been stipulated in Taif treaty and its annexes, including their tribal affiliation. In case any of the coordinates is located in position or positions of a village or villages of one of the parties, the reference for proving to which party this village or villages belong, will be their  affiliation of one of the two parties. The course of the borderline will be modified accordingly, while fixing the border signs. 
b- Part two is that of the borderline that has not been delineated yet. The two contracting sides have agreed to demarcate this part in a peaceful way. It starts from Al-Tha’r mountain, coordinates of which defined above, and ends at the geographic locality point at the conjunction of north parallel 19 with east longitude 52, and its details mentioned in coordinates in annex No. 2.
c- Part three: It is the part pertaining to the sea borders starting from the land sign on the sea coast ( Ras Al-Mua’j Shami wharf of Rdif Qarad outlet), coordinates defined above, and ending by the end of sea borders of the two countries. Its details are illustrated by coordinates in annex No. 3.
Article (3): 1-In an effort for fixing posts on the borderline starting from junction point of the two countries’ borders with the Sultanate of Oman at the geographical locality at the intersection point of north parallel 19 with east longitude 52, ending exactly at wharf Ras Al-Mua’j Shami, Radif Qarad outlet, coordinates included in annex (1), the two contracting parties would entrust an international firm with carrying out field survey of the entire land and sea borders. The specialized firm and the joint team of the two contracting parties must strictly abide by distances and directions between each point and that next to it and other specifications mentioned in border reports annexed to Taif treaty. And these are mandatory provisions.
2- The international company shall prepare detailed maps of the land borderline between the two countries. After signing them by representatives from the Yemeni Republic and Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, these maps would be approved as official maps explaining the borders between the two countries. They shall become an indivisible part of this pact. The two contracting parties will sign an agreement on covering work expenses of the company entrusted with erecting the signs along the land borders between the two countries. 
Article (4): The two contracting parties confirm their commitment to article 5 of Taif agreement with respect to evacuation of any military position along the borderline stationed at a distance less than 5 kilometers from the borderline. This is in accordance with border reports annexed to Taif pact. As for the not yet delineated borderline, starting from Al-Tha’r mountain to the junction point of north parallel 19 with east longitude 52, it is decided by provisions of annex No. 4, enclosed with this treaty.
Article (5): This treaty becomes valid after being endorsed according to measures followed in each of the contracting parties, and exchange of the documents endorsed by the two countries.
Signed by:
For the Republic of Yemen 
Abdul Qadir Abdul Rahman Bajammal
Deputy Premier, the foreign minister
For the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 
Saud Al-Faisal 
Foreign minister 
Jedda 10.3.1421 H.D. /  12.6. 2000 A.D.
Annex No. 1
Geographic coordinates of signs position stipulated in borders reports annexed to Taif treaty.
Annex No. 2
Tables defining distances of borderline from parallel 19 east to longitude 52 north.
Annex No. 3
Sea Borders between the Republic of Yemen and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
1- The borderline starts from the land point on the sea coast “‘ Ras Al-Mua’j Shami wharf, Radif Qarad outlet “‘ of the following coordinates:
(8, 14, 24, 16) north, (7, 19,46, 42) east.
2- The line goes straight in parallel with latitudes till it meets with longitude (00, 09, 42) east.
3- The line curves southwesterly till the point of the following coordinates:
( 8, 14, 24, 16)north, ( 00, 09, 42) east.
4- From there it goes in a straight line parallel with latitudes towards the west to the end of sea borders between the two countries from a point of a coordinate ( 24, 17, 16) ( 00, 47, 41).
Annex No. 4 of the international borders treaty between Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Republic of Yemen on regulating pasture rights, designating armed forces positions on both sides of the second part of the borderline between the two countries, as referred to in this treaty, and exploiting common natural wealth along land borderline dividing the two countries. 
This annex has 7 articles as follows:
Article 1:
a- Pasture area on both sides of the second part of borderline referred to in this treaty is limited by 20 kilometers.
b- Shepherds from both countries have the right to use pasture areas and water resources on both sides of this part of borderline according to prevalent tribal traditions for a distance not exceeding 20 kilometers.
c- The two contracting parties will hold annual consultations to fix crossing points for pasture purposes relying on prevalent circumstances and pasture opportunities.
Article 2
Shepherds, citizens of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and of the Republic of Yemen shall be exempt from: 
a- Residency and passports regulations with permit cards dispensed to  them by competent authorities of their respective countries.
b- Taxes and duties on personal belongings, foodstuffs and consumer good they carry. This does not hinder any of the parties from levying customs duties on animals and commodities brought for trading purposes.
Article 3
Any of the contracting parties has the right to set up restrictions and regulations they deem convenient regarding the number of vehicles crossing into their territories with shepherds. These measures are also applicable to type and number of firearms allowed to carry by shepherds on condition they are licensed by competent authorities in both countries, along with identity of those carrying them.
Article 4
In case of epidemic disease infecting animal wealth, each party has the right to take necessary preventive measures and impose restrictions on importing and exporting infected animals. Competent authorities in both countries should cooperate to curb spread of disease as much as possible.
Article 5
It is not permitted for any of the contracting parties to mass up its armed forces at a distance less than 20 kilometers on both sides of the second part of borderline referred to in this treat. Activity of  each party on each side is confined to running security patrols with their ordinary weapons.
Article 6
In case of discovering common natural wealth, good for excavation and investment, along the borderline starting from Ras Al-Mua’j Shami of Rfid Qarad outlet to junction point of parallel 19 north and longitude 52 east, the two contracting parties shall hold necessary negotiations on joint exploitation of that wealth.
Article 7 
This annex is considered indivisible part of this treaty and to be endorsed according to methods adopted in both countries.
