Thanks YT [Archives:2004/787/Letters to the Editor]

November 4 2004

Emad Moqbel
[email protected],
Kansas, Emporia, US

I would like to admit that Yemen Times has always been a great newspaper that has shown many educators many things in Yemen. I used to read Yemen Times at YALI, the place that I would like to give a great credit for my success.
I will really be happy if you can post a great Thank for YALI staff and the director of YALI who is retiring this December.
YALI has a great impact on many students who want to represent Yemen properly. It is always in our hearts and will ever be. Living with the staff for more than 1 year and half made me love them a lot and appreciate thier hard work to promote English In Yemen.
A great “miss you” from a previous employee and a previous student at YALI to every body there and a great thank for all Yemen Times staff: Happy Ramamdan for all.