Thanks YT, but please add pictures [Archives:2005/823/Letters to the Editor]

March 10 2005

Najla Abdul Rakeeb
[email protected]

As we readers of the Yemen Times Online have been given this opportunity, I will then therefore use it to its full potential.

I am a regular reader of your paper and I feel that it has immensely increased my knowledge of Yemen, from where I come from.

As a Yemeni born and raised in England, having a great source like the Yemen Times is a privilege. Having visited Yemen almost every summer I've become more attached to my family and to the country itself and therefore by reading your paper it makes me relive those memories.

I would be very grateful if you would add more pictures of the beautiful country so I and many more people like me can enjoy.

Thank you, and I am very appreciative of your time and effort that you will use to read my e-mail. Please may I add that Yemen is the main wonder of the world? And I wish that everyone could experience the bounties that lie within her.