The positive aspect of Qat [Archives:2005/895/Reportage]
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Continuous reports always mention the negative aspects of Qat, and the harm that it could cause to the person's health, but what is never mentioned is what good can the Qat leaf has? I totally agree with the majority of people that Qat is virtually destroying our health and family structure, nevertheless, even with all these negative aspects; it still has its positives.
The Qat leaf has been chewed by Africans and Arabs from as far as the early 16th century, but never was it seen as an addiction or a worldwide issue until the end of the 20th century. People chewed Qat under many excuses, some leisure, some as an addiction, and some as a chance to get together with family and friends. Consumers openly claim that it lifts their spirit, sharpens thier thinking and increases energy. Comparing Qat to other drugs, which are banned in many foreign countries, Qat seems to have a much less effect than other types of narcotics, and therefore safer.
A known negative aspect of Qat is that it leads to many diseases including mouth and lung cancer. But according to some western Qat chewers in Yemen, Qat in many cases is comparable to a cup or two of espresso (A heavy kind of coffee drunk in the west). Even when comparing Qat to cigarettes, its level of danger is far more less then cigarettes, but on the other hand Qat is banned in many countries, while government officials and presidents around the world are smoking cigarettes. According to global researchers, nearly 5.5 million deaths around the world were caused by smoking cigarettes, while 75% of all smoking- related death was among men, for they are the greater number of smokers.
Most Yemenis chew Qat not for the love of the leaf, but rather for them not having a second option to do during the length of the day. In a survey conducted with 769 people in the capital Sana'a, 78% admitted that they chewed Qat for there is nothing else to do, while only 14% admitted of being addicted to Qat.” With the ongoing problems and phenomena in everyday life in Yemen, it is either chew Qat or commit suicide”, said Ali Nagi a frequent Qat chewer. “It makes us forget our terrifying situation which we are forced to deal with in everyday life”, he added. Picturing Yemeni's without Qat, I could only imagine the corruption it would face as most people are unemployed, and when people don't have jobs to busy them with, this in turn not only opens the doors of corruption, but those of destruction as well.
Looking at the younger generations point of view, they could be enlisted into two columns. Many busy themselves with Qat after school or work, while others busy themselves flocking local streets chasing after the shadows of women. In this situation Qat chewing is much preferable as it causes less corruption to society. With the unemployment level rising and the financial crisis this country has been witnessing, many prefer to sit at home and indulge in Qat chewing sessions. Jobs are almost impossible to get a hold of, especially for the younger generation. The only available jobs are for street sweeping and garbage picking, and in return only receive $1 per day in some situations.
“At this age when I work, it is very difficult to bear the load and pressure put on my shoulders without chewing Qat. In this country, they give you so much work with little in return”, said 60-year-old laborer Abdul-Nasser Moun'em. “It keeps us really energized. Look around you, Yemen is mostly made of hard rock buildings, without Qat we would have to live in houses of wood or plastic”, he added. Qat does lift the spirit of the people and keep them more active. People usually work in every job opportunity that is available for them. “I dare any nation to produce more hardworking people, for so little in return than in Yemen, and Qat plays a vital role in making that happen”, said a carpenter Saleh Ahmed.
Even when mentioning top government officials, President Ali Abdullah Saleh himself, used to chew Qat occasionally until recently. Talking on the world scale, Qat has become massively famous that even in British advertisement; Qat is mentioned in newspaper and magazines ads. Recently Yemen has been promoting Qat as a tourism item to help flourish tourism in this culture rich Middle Eastern Country. Apparently Qat has become famous for its production of excitement, making people talkative while creating activeness. According to Lewin (1931), in a survey taken with 51 people, 57% of then became excited after they chewed Qat for two hours. Many people agree that Qat works better then most prescriptions to wipe out the sleepiness of the person. In the past it was even used to ease the pain of hunger in poor countries throughout Africa.
No doubt that Qat is a tragic issue both our society and economy are facing, but what is there to do in this poverty spread country where opportunities are only available for the rich and the elite of society. People do not want to chew Qat, for they understand the problems it can bring along to the person, but they also understand that, if they don't chew Qat they will frustrate themselves even more by pondering on the problems of everyday life, furthermore a possibility of losing their minds at a young and tender age, therefore committing suicide or any such dangerous act. Could there be a better leisure time activity in Yemen then Qat? Many would say yes, but to many poor Yemeni citizens, the answer is definitely no.