Unbelievable Horror at Sanaa University [Archives:2000/20/Reportage]
Reports about disappearing University girl students have spread in the past four years at Faculty of Medicine, Sana’a University. The last of which was an Iraqi young lady who disappeared six months ago.
A police officer from the university, requesting not to be identified confirmed that a number of crimes have been taking place inside the university and that two bodies were taken from the morgue of the university last Friday. He also said that the police arrested a Sudanese morgue assistant Mohammed Adam accusing him of raping, killing and mutilating of sixteen young ladies at the Faculty. He was also accused of selling their members. The same source said that the accused has already confessed of two crimes; an Iraqi and a Yemeni girl students.
Some students at the University told YT that two of their friends disappeared; one of them is a Yemeni girl at grade three, the daughter of Ahmad Ateiah from Hamdan tribe. She disappeared from college one and half year ago. The other is an Iraqi young girl at grade two disappeared six months ago.
The mother of the Iraqi girl was the main source that led to the discovery of these crimes and arrest of the Sudanese assistant. She insisted that her daughter had not left the university when she disappeared. Later she could distinguish her daughter’s hand at the morgue of the university.
Reports reveal that the Interior Minister and two envoys from the prosecution and the court held a meeting last Thursday with all officials of the university to investigate into the matter.
On the other hand, about 2000 tribesmen from Hamdan tribe have gathered and requested the authority to speed up the investigations and clear the mystery of their daughters disappearance.