WFRT organizes a training course for journalists [Archives:2004/737/Local News]

May 13 2004

It is expected that the Women Forum for Researches and Training, in cooperation with the Canadian Development Program, will organize a new training course for workers in the various media organizations in the field of developing their skills in exploring opinion polls in the field of human rights. It will take place from 15-16 May 2004 at Haddah Ramadah Hotel.
WFRT, in cooperation with the Danish Embassy in Riyadh, will organize another course in the field of the development of the journalists' skills in documenting and monitoring human rights issues, to be held during 19-20 of the same month at the same place.
In addition to these fora, WFRT issued this month two books in the series, “Human Rights Studies”, under the title, “Ten obstacles of human rights in Islam”, by the Mohamed Saif Al-Odine and “Woman and Crime”, by Dr. Najeeb Ali Saif Al-Jameel, Assistant Professor in Criminal Law, Aden University.