Where are the Arabs? [Archives:2008/1202/Opinion]
Abdurrahman Bajjash
The whole world is currently undergoing an unprecedented financial crisis that reminds the elderly of what happened in 1929, which was also known as “Year of Economic Recession”. According to economic and political analysts, the economic recession of 1929 was caused by the Zionist Rochield family that originated from Germany with the intention to control stock markets and hit them whenever it wants.
Other Zionist families did the same thing with intention of achieving specific objectives that are clearly states in the books of “Invisible World Governments” or “Stones on the Chessboard”.
Where are the Arabs and Muslims? The spontaneous answer to this question is that the Arabs exist only in the form of pillars to support the American republicans. Despite the fact that the Arabs account for 50 percent of the total voters in the U.S. State of Michigan, they began to back the democrats as an immediate reaction to the Republican Presidential Candidate John McCain's campaign, which started to attack the Democratic Presidential Candidate Barrack Obama and his father Hussein through the help of Arabs and Muslims.
As a result the democratic presidential candidate felt obliged to deny having his father's name as Hussein as if it will incur a big shame on him.
The Arabs in the State of Michigan attempted to retaliate by themselves while the other original Arabs and Muslims never thought about retaliating for what they have lost in the U.S. banks.
Even worse, the allegation made by Collin Powell, who insulted himself by declaring from the United Nations that there had been communications between senior Iraqi officers confirming the presence of weapons of mass-destruction in Iraq, was proved wrong and inauthentic. Consequently, Powell tried to reconsider himself having realized that he was deceived, and that intelligence agents and conservatives provided him with tapes uncovering the scandal. The then U.S. Administration attempted to engage other states like Nigeria in the crisis.
Now, Collin Powell, which is affiliated with the Republican Party, realizes that the campaign launched by his party for its presidential candidate McCain committed a mistake when it insulted Obama because of his Arab and Islamic origin. Powell justified his charge against his own party by saying that the way McCain behaved during the campaign may lead to the killing of more American citizens worldwide.
The Arabs and Muslims seem to be absent all the time. And the Arab League did not invite the scattered Arab states to come together in a meeting and discuss impacts of the global financial turmoil. So, is it possible for the league to bring together people having no economic relations?
It is time for the original Arabs to be frank and admit that they are a group of states. They should also admit that their foreign relations with the western states are stronger than the internal relations between themselves as Arabs. The clearest evidence in support of this is that the Arab League couldn't have taken any effective decision to solve any pressing problems faced by some Arab states. The global financial crisis disclosed that the American support for Israel, which is exaggerated, is meant to encourage Israel to work harder and harder in order for the Arabs to remain backward, intimidated and scattered groups.
Source: Al-Thawra Stat-run Daily