Yemen demands nuke-free Middle East [Archives:2005/840/Local News]
Yemen has laid a big stress on the imperative of riding the Middle East from WMD in general and nuke weapons in particular.
The representative of Yemen in the U.N Conference on the fight against nukes in New York, Mustafa Bahran, said Thursday that freeing the Middle East region from nuclear weapons is nonsense unless Israel signs the Non-proliferation Treaty and subject its nuclear facilities to international monitoring. “Israel is the only country in the region that is not a member of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty,” he pointed. “Promoting this treaty for the global peace must rest with the principles of justice and equality.” Bahran called for a world shift towards pacifying atomic energy for purposes of energy, water desalination and other such legal purposes.” Yemen presented a number of proposals for tackling the obstacles that face the non-proliferation treaty. The month-long conference began last Monday.