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January 10 2008


“One day while I was having dinner with my friend in a restaurant in Hadda city, we saw a mad man who used to walk around in that area. We called him and asked him, “What made you crazy?” He got angry and told us that he was officer and a politician and started talking about nationalism and Arabism. When we told him that Arabism is dead, he lifted the plastic plate, banged it on the table and started cursing us very loudly. People gathered and tried to calm him down. He was wearing a dirty white garment, black jacket, and a Jambia.”

Hamed Thabet, [email protected]


“One day while I was on my way to my work, I saw a woman passing by a long dirty mad man wearing dirty clothes. He picked up a big stone and started chasing after the woman. Both of them were running circles around a parked car. While chasing her, the crazy man was cursing the woman. I hurried and stopped the man and took the stone from his hand quietly. The man left but continued cursing that woman as he walked away. The ordeal made the women crumble in tears, she could hardly stand. I stopped a bus for her so that she can continue on her way.”

Marwan Al-Saqqaf

Girl fighting with mad man

“One day my friend and I were walking near Hadda Hotel. We came across a mad man wearing a worn out and dirty white garment and black coat. He had a terrible odor. While we were walking, he took the plastic bottle that was in his hand and threw it on my friend. She walked toward to him and wanted to hit him back. People gathered and prevented her saying, ” Hay you are a girl. Do want to fight with a mad man?!” I also stopped her and then we continued on our way.”

Amel Al-Hebri