SILVER LININGWhen the State facilitates chaos [Archives:2007/1116/Opinion]

December 31 2007

Dr. Mohammed Al-Qadhi
Once again, we realize the fragility of the state and how the tribe controls it. Following the confrontation between people of al-Salam district in Taiz with the security men, the government did not move to control the situation. It rather gave in its role to the tribesmen from al-Hadda whose man, leader of the central security Abdulnaser al-Qawsi, was seized by the people. I have been told the security in Ibb tried to prevent the flow of fully armed tribesmen of al-Hadda to Taiz, high ranking officials gave orders to allow them pass through all checkpoints.

The officials of the interior ministry have been shrugging their shoulders in pride of controlling arms carrying in cities. What about the heavily armed tribesmen whose trip to Taiz was even facilitated by the state officials? Several months ago, tribesmen from al-Hadda made their way with their arms to Ibb to slaughter Salah al-Rawee in jail and come back triumphantly. This shows the regime cannot relinquish its tribal skin and is completely submitted to the tribal norms rather than the rule law.

The tribesmen arrived and camped at the outskirts of Taiz. They wanted to take revenge for the capture of their man. Wow! This is absurd. What is the role of the state then? Why should the tribesmen come to Taiz and what does this mean? The man went to the area with armed vehicles as a representative of the state rather than the al-Hadda tribe.

I had been told, however, the security leader behaved like a tribesman rather than a state official during his verbal dispute with Ahmed al-Qaisi and his fellow men who felt humiliated. Then, the argument developed to an armed confrontation and then the arrest of the soldiers and their leader. Nobody favors that citizens attack government representatives. On their part, state officials should behave with responsibility and as representatives of the government and this will definitely bring about respect of the people.

I guess you agree with me it is the business of the government to sort out disputes between its officials and the people. Some feel that such an irresponsible position of the government in blessing such a tribal behavior shows the government wants to instigate blood vendetta between al-Hadda and al-Salam people. In other words, if the government gives up its role in enforcing law and allows the tribal norms to function, chaos will prevail and tribal feuds will exacerbate.

To drive the point home, the political regime does not do justice to all people and still deals with them on ground of their regional affiliations. If you have a strong tribe to back you up, you can infringe the law. The state in this way facilitates chaos and lawlessness which cripples any effort of stability and development

Dr. Mohammed Al-Qadhi ([email protected]) is a Yemeni journalist and columnist.