Advocates of the astray wisdom [Archives:2006/967/Opinion]
By: Atif Awad
The wisdom unleashed by the High Representative for the Common Foreign Security of the European Union- Javier Solana- in which he shed crocodile tears for the Lebanese suffering under brutal Israeli aggression, caused much sorrow for the Israeli foreign minister as well as many of the nation's wise men. That wisdom was but one of the demons, exposed by all criteria, not only for those in the Arab centers of national Research, but rather for all simple Arab citizens.
Condoleezza Rice's prayers for the Lebanese lives taken in the most savage of international operations is another aspect of the delusions of satanic wisdoms. It is aimed at shedding the last drop of the dignity of Hezbollah and Hamas's resistance. Its aim is the complete extermination of any remaining chivalry amongst citizens to avenge injustice and aggression. Advocates of this wisdom intend to force every Arab citizen to drink form the poisoned cup.
The ferocious Israeli Zionist Israeli scheme is in fact a paper tiger exposed through offense and air force superiority and the destruction of whatever Lebanese and before that whatever Palestinian. The Israeli air force the Zionists boast of was able to perpetrate such atrocities because those of the astray-wisdom have prevented the Lebanese from possessing even one surface-to-surface missile throughout the Arab Israeli conflict. They and the Arabs in particular imposed a blockade against the Palestinians such that they may not possess any anti-aircraft missiles.
Has not the operation carried out by the Lebanese resistance movement uncovered those advocates of the astray-wisdom who have depleted the nation's capabilities under the cry of 'no voice rises higher than the voice of the Arab battle against Israel? '. It is in this same name that the Arab man is downtrodden and stripped of his humanity. Then in the name of peace there has been the impoverishment and humiliation of the Arab citizen.
It has become undoubtedly clear that every sincere and nationalistic Arab realizes that the Israeli is but a ghost that those in power have used to frighten their nation with. If they now have demanded him to stop his military aggression against Lebanon and Palestine, they have no aim to expose the reality of this unconquerable soldier and this Zionist entity. The sincere Arab revenge does not only perceive Israel and America as the enemy but also those advocates of the deviated wisdom of this nation.
What manifests itself now is that the peoples of this nation, whose afflictions come from their so-called wise men, appear to be just shedding crocodile tears for the Lebanese who have been under bombardment from the Israeli air force. They also criticize Hezbollah, who, through its use of Iranian and Syrian rockets, has dragged the Lebanese to destruction. Has any Arab state offered Hezbollah or the resistance movement any rockets and met with refusal? Is it out of their wisdom to blame a resistance avenging in the name of Arab dignity by asking rockets from Iran and Syria?
The Americans and all those of the satanic wisdom have lost any understanding and resorted to a game of taking the Arabs unawares in the name of national fear.
Atif Awad is an Egyptian journalist and short story writer residing in Yemen.