Americans not all the sameLindh is worse than Bush [Archives:2005/828/Opinion]

March 28 2005

By Don Barrick
[email protected]

As an American, I can honestly say that I am embarrassed and angry and the antics of some of my fellow Americans, particularly in the areas espoused by Al-Haifi, in “Fighting terrorism with sex?” I was also very vocally against the U.S. invasion of Iraq, as well as the administration's efforts to re-construct the company; there seems to have been no plan, and whatever was planned, has been terribly executed. I voted against George Bush, in both elections, and feel that his “cowboy” attitudes have hurt the view of America overseas, and caused terrible pain to thousands of people.

I am not alone.

Yet some of your readers are even more deplorable than Mr. Bush. Robert Lindh, for example, states that, “The majority of Americans are also enjoying the torture and humiliation of Muslim men.” I am uncertain how he comes by his information, but I have never, ever seen any of my fellow citizens suggest anything but disgust at the antics of a few, rotten apples that have perpetrated such activities.

He should be reminded that it was the U.S. media that initially broke the news about this crime. It is the U.S. media that has publicized any perception that the Government has been slow in bringing the entire matter to light, or slow to punish the guilty. This is not the mark of a people who rejoice at the disadvantage of prisoners. Mr. Lindh suggestion that Mr. Bush was re-elected because American's delight in the harm done to Iraqi prisoners is the most outlandish thing he has yet said; and it demonstrates his lack of mental capacity, in expecting others to agree with his lunacy.

It is noteworthy that, following the news about the catastrophe on September 11, Arabs danced in the streets, at the news. Nowhere in America have you seen or heard of any such celebrations. Who is enjoying what, Mr. Lindh?

Mr. Lindh also states of “facts” regarding the death of Rafiq al-Hariri, blaming the U.S. for Hariri's death, as a pretext to the invasion of Syria. Mr.Lindh cites no “facts”, because there are no “facts” about the assassination. Why, Mr. Lindh, do you feel the need to incite further hatred? What is your agenda? Why is it that YOU hate so frightfully? Your argument seems not to be with George W. Bush and the U.S. political system; it seems to be a very personalized, venomous and irrational attack against anything American.

Many, many people in the U.S. voted against George Bush. Many, many American people are demonstrating, writing their representatives and voicing their opposition to the actions in Iraq. Many, many American people voice concern about relations with the U.S. and the Moslem World. Yet, your hate-filled tirades would seem to paint them all with the same brush. And many, many of those who support the U.S. military in Iraq do so because of fear; not hatred toward Iraqis, Arabs or Moslems.

It would seem to me that the sensible man attempts to find common ground, or the good that we can work together to expand. Your effort seems to be to fan the fire of fear and hatred. How sad for you.

I have yet to hear anything negative from Mr. Lindh about Saddam gassing of his own people. I have yet to hear anything negative about al-Zarqawi's network killing an innocent CARE worker. I have yet to hear anything negative about a number of women and children being slaughtered by “insurgents”. What are the thoughts about such mindless murder?

And why term such vile assassins as “insurgents”, when it is reported that a large portion – even by Arab news reports – are not “insurgents”, by definition? Insurgents are, after all, rebels; a huge number of the so-called “insurgents” are actually every bit the invaders that the U.S. military is touted to be. Many of the “insurgents” are from Syria, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Morocco and other places, who have come to fight against the U.S. and anyone else they deem as thinking in terms that are contrary to their own beliefs.

You can say that they are there to fight the Americans; but they are wantonly slaughtering huge numbers of innocent Iraqi's, at the same time. Not innocents who get caught in the crossfire, but people who are killed for simply trying to do their best to re-settle their broken culture.

And the ultimate: Moslems, who bomb, decapitate and generally slaughter other Moslems – what are your readers' thoughts on those issues? Sunni's killing Shiites. Bombs exploding inside Mosques.

This is not an American invention. This has been going on for centuries. The sad part of this is that, because of Saddam's ruthlessness, such violence was curtailed. The U.S. has allowed this to happen, precisely because the U.S. military, for all its faults, are not as iron-fisted at Hussein. We did create the opportunity, and this is deplorable. But we did not detonate the bombs, or slit the throats of the victims here. We leave that to the “insurgents” to do that. The people some of your readers worship.

Finally, a Canadian recently wrote a letter complaining of the arrogance of Americans. Interestingly, I have traveled in many parts of the World, including Asia, Canada, some parts of Europe and the Middle East. I have been treated extremely hospitably, in almost all of those areas, including Yemen, which is one of my favorite places to visit.

One of the few places where I have been treated with extreme discourtesy is Canada. Moreover, in the Middle East, on several occasions, people walked up to me and asked if I were an American. I was surprised and said that I was, then asked what made them think that. Their response was, “Americans are always friendly, and smile a lot.” If this is their general view of American, how is this the mark of an arrogant people?