Arab economic incapability (2-2) [Archives:2006/942/Opinion]

May 1 2006

Prof. Abdulaziz Al-Tarb
I would like here to be specific and say the Arab street full comprehends that the Arab regimes have their calculations and estimations within the frame of their readings of the Arab situations and regional and international balances. That nevertheless represents a healthy sign and maturity in Arab dealing with crises. However, that should not be a justification for continued building of the minimum level expressing a unified Arab will, that meets and stick together behind one goal enabling the nation to exploit its resources properly and to build the minimum level of self-sufficiency particularly in the area of food.

There is nothing that could drop that prevalent claim on the existence of a gap between the Arab street and the regimes except express and clear stands live to the challenge imposed by data of the present dilemma that has become open to moire aggravation and singling out negative reflections on the economic and social situations of most of the nation's peoples.

Here I am more interested to emphasize that I am talking of practical decisions joining ranks, uniting energies, deepening solidarity and ant invest resources in reliance on the nation's huge potentials and capabilities that can affect and influence in the course of events through wise economic and social policies acting in harmony with the age language and variables. I do not think we will be capable of forcing ranks tightly together and uniting energies before our possession of the ability and courage to remove the causes of incapability that impedes our movement and paralyze our will. We have to courageously admit that the reality of incapability the nation is experiencing and reflects on the ground fearsome revivifications is a natural product for continued insistence of some of us on putting aside the voice of reason in reading the reality and consider as easy the policies of running away and avoiding confrontation and not working hard for changing this reality to the better.

We have also to recognize that if there are some excuses in this state or that on the causes of its incapability of accomplishing independent development up until now or its dereliction in stabilization of the bases of social justice and pursuit of corruption or the inability of some of these states to keep pace with the democratic tide, spreading rapidly in all world countries. This is also associated with inability to renew and develop the thought. The thing that could not have justifications while we are facing the fearful challenges of globalization is that some Arab countries feel of incapability of wringing out their right to choose the right path to make fore the self-incapability for accomplishing independent development, that could be attained via joining into an integrated Arab system, under claim of fear from anger of the big powers that do not accept their following that road for reasons pertaining to their goal and strategic intentions.

We have to look at countries and groupings having circumstances similar to ours and do not possess constituents of unity and integration available for us. Nevertheless, those countries and groupings, whether in Asia or Latin America, managed to own their independence of decision and did not care about any threats and maintained the road of integrated development for the prosperity of their peoples.

Those in Asia and Latin America that have done that have not drawn the swords of challenge for the aim of confrontation but rather have built their calculations out of their understanding that the big powers proceed in their policies from a basic rule, i.e. that of interests, as much as others could be closer to that rule the more the big powers respond with the same degree of their getting from them.

If we want to benefit from others experiments we have to stop the bickering and conflict among ourselves because that does not only hinder our movement forward but rather leads to our inability to see and comprehend the dangers threatening all of us.

Prof. Abdulaziz Al-Tarb is an economist and a professor in Political Science. He is the head of a number of professional associations, such as the Arab Group for Investment and Development.