HOPE forum calls forAn Islamic Cultural Revolution to match with the Great September Revolution [Archives:2003/672/Opinion]
By Professor Mohammed.
Y. AL-Sharafi
Founder of the HOPE theory forum
On the eve of the 41st anniversary of the September revolution we declare and call upon every wise man and wise woman to declare with us that the September Yemeni revolution should be crowned an Islamic cultural revolution.
That is a major necessity for our present epoch. It is an essential need for Yemen, Arabs, Muslims and all mankind in our 21st century. We believe that it is going to be an elixir for terminating all forms of social, political and economic corruption. As well it gives the Yemeni revolution its real objective meanings and a leading role in the Arab Moslem world and internationally.
The presently prevailing concepts dominating our Yemeni and the Arab Islamic societies are based upon human understandings derived by our great predecessor Islamic scholars from the holy Islamic scriptures.
The holy Islamic scriptures remain eternal and wild for every time and place while these derived human concepts, although suitable for their time and place, are not. They are nowadays considered to be invalid, reactionary and bygone.
The ideology adopted by the Islamist fundamental movements based upon that traditional human heritage have led to a state of wrong understanding and behavioral deviations from the righteous pathway of Islam. Actually Islam is the last holy message of God to Mankind, the essence of it is peace and security.
Unfortunately, that deviated understanding have spread among many sectors of the Islamic societies, specially the youth and have led in turn to disturbing peace and security resulting in lethal disastrous consequences and buried the whole international community in terror and horror.
Nowadays democracy constitutes the healthiest conditions of attitudes and practices of the social inter-relations.
It allows equal participation of all people in every field of human activity, regardless of their races, religions, cultures or gender.
The primordial stem mother of all form of democracies; political, economic and social is epistemological democracy. It is defined as: the freedom of faith, thinking, expression and behavior. Implementing epistemological democracy in our Islamic world today requires serious new convictions, courage, continuous efforts and cooperation between enlightened Moslems.
Meanwhile, contemporaneous understanding of the three basic Islamic sources of legislation: the holy Quran, the noble Sunnah of prophet Mohammed (peace upon him) and the enlightened human mind is required. This modern understanding is essential for Moslems to face the newly arising challenges of modern life styles of the 21st century.
It is as well very much needed by the whole international community suffering on our green planet which is everyday becoming a small global village in place and a short moment of time.
The HOPE forum is leading a modern trend of Islamic ideology aimed at reviving Islamic concepts. HOPE is hoping to define and deliver the cosmopolitan man, the ideal human being. We suggest his/her definition through our human optimum psyche (HOPE) modern personality theory as: that human being who lives in a state of equality and truthfulness with himself and the existence, devoid of delusions, freeing himself from tyranny, connected to God, the Almighty. Cautious in such a way to be in a state of subjective oneness and cognitive positivism to reach the highest degree of (internal) harmony and peace (radiating externally in the physical, psychological and social functions.
The healthy society is composed of healthy individuals.
That is a common target of all human philosophies, sciences, cultures, religions and civilizations. It is the convergence point of the three great Abraham monotheistic religions.: Judaism, Christianity and Islam.
For that we are introducing HOPE theory and forum for every man and woman as a vital preparatory basis for ideal cosmopolitan human being who emits peace and love and respects the international values of human rights, democracy, freedom, justice and cooperative peaceful coexistence.
In HOPE we remain hopeful that our Yemeni intellectuals, parties, societies and all responsible elites headed by our good president Ali Abduallah Saleh to join our continuous calls for an Islamic cultural revolution to match our great achievements, the unity, September and October revolutions.