How much worse can Yemen get? II [Archives:2008/1216/Opinion]

December 15 2008

If one tries to get a full picture of where Yemen stands on so many fronts, one would find a mindboggling array of situations that are bewilderment to the astute and prudent observer, who does not harbor any political ambitions or aspirations. Even our seas are not free from the flagrant violations of maritime navigational rights by a bunch of marine hoodlums, who have lost all sense of human sanity as they look with contempt at the outrage shown by the international community, which appears to be as powerless against them as they are against the ugly hoodlums of terror disguised as “Mujahideen””. That Yemen or its seas should be the theater for the likes of these hoodlums (both the maritime and the misnamed defacers of Islam) speaks very little to give weight to the regime's claim of fighting terrorism and pursing a solution to the piracy openly practiced in its waters. Not that the credibility of the regime in this context