Leadership vs. Ignorance [Archives:2007/1089/Opinion]

September 27 2007

By: Nasser Yahya
The difference between the official news story about the two telephone calls, which the Yemeni President, Ali Abdullah Saleh, made with Mahmoud Abbas, President of the Palestinian Authority and Ismail Haniya, Head of the National Unity Government, on the one hand, and the irresponsible reports and articles published by some Yemeni official newspapers, on the other, is that Mr. President has a patriotic stand while others' stances tend to trigger sedition. Some of Yemen's official media attempted to spark sedition without taking into consideration that they officially represent the Yemeni government and should reflect state's policies. The official media institutions were not needed to change their newspapers into platforms for those having animosity toward Islam. The Hamas Movement, which has contributed to increasing the sense of enthusiasm among Muslims since 1987 is now suffering aggression from worldwide enemies.

We have learned that some official media, specifically newspapers, are controlled by officials, who make no distinction between their personal satisfaction and public responsibilities. Also, these responsibilities are supposed to teach them how to value the state that trusted them and gave them important responsibilities such as running dailies and weeklies. The state doesn't know that it is in a dilemma at the hands of those lacking the capacity of making any distinction between what is right and what is wrong.

The one, who listens to some of Fatah Movement's statements denouncing separating Gaza from the West Bank, has to bear in mind that the Gaza Strip and the West Bank had been a single body. He/she is supposed to realize that the Zionists haven't separated the two areas from each other for many years. He/she is expected to understand that the President of the Palestinian Authority sometimes finds himself compelled not to go to the Gaza Strip for security reasons.

The surprising fact is that no one in Gaza speaks of separating the two areas from each other. Since the very beginning, the Hamas Movement confirmed its recognition of Abu Mazen's legitimacy while Haniya's government was formed by the main law. Despite all this, the Palestinian people talk a lot about the separation between Gaza and the West Bank as if they are twins whereas the Zionist butcher has destroyed everything inside the West Bank and they don't show any reaction.

Isn't it ironic for the Arabs to hear Ureiqat announcing that his state will resort to International Law to condemn the Hamas Movement while they haven's shown the same or relatively similar reaction to the Zionists, who are occupying Arab land by force.

Since his return to the country, Mr. Abdurrahman Al-Jefri, Leader of the Yemeni Sons League Party, has been giving statements and talking with the official press about the reasons that forced him to join the strong opposition to President Ali Abdullah Saleh although he has been praising the President for a long time. He has been affirming that there is no real difference between his modest party and the ruling party of President Saleh.

No doubt that this is a political situation with its unique characteristics. We understand Al-Jefri's plan to exercise his right of joining the legal opposition as others like the late Jarrallah Omar and Yasin Sa' eed Numan.

The kind of enthusiasm on the part of the governmental parties concerned with resolving the problems and issues of military pensioners deserves the highest attention. These pensioners have been shouting for a long period of time while the official parties have been treating them as if they are deaf, mute and blind. The situation was exacerbated by the negative impacts of ignoring citizen's issues and has escalated into an armed rebellion. In addition, there has been a plan to stage a military parade including thousands of military pensioners and those having no jobs. At this point, enthusiasm appeared strong for implementing the President's measures in this regard, however such direction was not on top of the list.

The suffering of citizens, be they military or civil, due to such practices are well-known and long-lived. Their single result was killing any loyalty to the homeland and its unity, particularly among the affected ones. Don't expect the affected people to be ready to interact with any national poems and songs, which are usually chanted by the millionaires. If these millionaires suffered like the effected citizens, they would be rebels and raise the flags of Imamate and the British Occupation.

Source: Al-Nass Weekly.