Policy manifested in theatrics – final [Archives:2004/754/Opinion]

July 12 2004

In the United States, the recent findings of the Select Congressional Committee looking into the intelligence output that eventually brought on the fantastic flop of the Bush Administration in Iraq, only went on to display the undeniable assertion that the Bush Administration finds in theatrics a sound basis for running affairs of state in the United States. There is really no need to delve into the details of that record as most people are quite aware of all the fallacies that were conjured up to justify a massive military engagement in a country that was already in such a horrendous state even before the Americans came in. But even before that, the Bush Administration went on to set the venue necessary in preparation for such a dubious adventure. Taking a cue from the tragic events of 9/11, the Bush Administration manifested its assertions where priorities should really lie. While America was “under attack”, the President of the United States went on to direct his attention to visiting a school and spending some time with some children. This display of sweetness remains a mystery to many people in the United States and has even resulted in assertions that the Bush Administration may have been actually aware of the coming of those tragic moments in the history of the world and not just of the United States. So, to affirm its resolve, as called for by the tragic attacks on New York and other symbolic symbols of American might and economic strength, the White House began a seemingly earnest attempt to hit back at the alleged culprits, letting anger became the driving force, yet without even setting in place the legal basis and groundwork and the appropriate plans that were to make the effort decisive and worthwhile. Nevertheless, most of the world showed tremendous understanding for the American desire to dress the wounds of an ugly attack. So came Afghanistan and the termination of the Taliban regime, but the real targeted suspected perpetrators were somehow able to snake away from the formidable attack and remain loose and seemingly safe from any danger. With the world expected to carry on with its understanding of American feelings, the Bush Administration then decided to pursue other items on its agenda that seem to be somewhat distant from the “war on terror”, that it has declared. Thus the various and systematic efforts were launched to engage the United States in adventures, the ulterior motives of which have yet to come to light. Of course, many in the world tried to get the United States to remember that they are all in this world together and that any unilateral approach to carrying out any international action, especially involving the use of force, requires really sound reasoning and logical assessment of the facts. No, said the Bush Administration, we are out to get Saddam Hussein and to show the rest of the Arabs that the United States means business. So, to convince the world and the American Congress and taxpayers, the Bush Administration carried a bundle of theatrical performances, which rested on well engineered deceit and exaggerated assumptions that were not substantiated by any legal or even substantive grounds. All this, just to show that a dead dragon was the world's most dangerous enemy and deserved the punishing strike of American firepower.
The war on terror shifted to a new theater that was for all practical purposes not associated with any of the justifications behind the war on terror. So from the threat of terror from a loose band of international renegades, to a threat from a well established “demon”, who was once the owner of one of the most deadly arsenals in the region, but now lacked the energy to kill a mouse, let alone pose a threat to the United States.
Without seeming to undermine the obvious right of anger of the United States at 9/11, many in the world, including the faithful ally Tony Blair, suggested earnestly and in good faith, to the United States that one effective method of closing the doors for any further spread of terrorism would probably to bring to a conclusion the Middle East conflict for once and for all. Every effort was made to illustrate to the Bush Administration that the terrorists are taking advantage of the humiliating situation faced by the Palestinians under a cruel and unjustified occupation, to unleash their ugly displays of violence and thirst for blood. Moreover, there is really a need to fully understand the phenomenon of terrorism and the underlying forces that seem to have allowed proponents of this ugly sadistic craving an unusually well placed network, that seems to actually grow and become further entrenched as time goes on. Yet, the Bush Administration went further than encourage the Israelis to carry on with their inhumane treatment of the people they have subjected to so many injustices and in fact gave Ariel Sharon their blessings for all his connivance and his own unleashing of state terror in the Holy Land. There was nothing more that the terrorists could bank on to give “sympathetic legitimacy” to their madness.
On another note, the Bush Administration did not suffice with theatrics on the international arena, but rather assumed that if theatrics can work elsewhere (and they haven't), then they can also help the Bushies have it their way at home. So all kinds of simulations were ready to keep the American people on the scare, including recurrent warnings of “eminent” terror attacks, without given any concrete evidence to warrant this “boo” mentality. So, carry on Mr. Bush and rest assured that you can fool some people some of the time, but you can't fool all the people all the time. We will soon see if the American people will realize that they really expect a lot more down to earth leadership than the melodramatic flare they have come to witness from their present leadership.