Real victory and natural loss [Archives:2006/1002/Opinion]

November 27 2006

Prof. Abdulaziz Al-Tarb
Victory of President Ali Abdullah Saleh and his General People's Congress in the presidential and local council elections was a real win without any doubt. If some violations and breaches have happened they are a normal matter taking place in any elections in more experienced democratic countries, let alone in a state of the emerging democracies and a state from the third world.

Now that the electoral battle has been decided so what should be done and how can the opposition parties derive lessons and watch performance of the ruling party as well as prepare for the upcoming parliamentary elections?

For the ruling party and the president, there must be an activation of the financial and administrative reform, also the reform of judiciary, separation between powers and translation of words into actions through the executive program the government is to adopt and it is accountable in the light of the results. Thus the people can sleep with optimism in a bright tomorrow and new Yemen and better future, in dependence of the president's statements since the announcement of his victory in the presidential elections and the GPC's victory in the local elections.

Many observers of the Yemeni internal situation emphasize that the great and qualitative people's weight the ruling party has gained would push it to make miracles, especially that there are no excuses or hindrances before the process of construction, reform and comprehensive economic and development renascence. In the past some there were some impediments, as others have alleged.

The Yemenis, with all their segments, have put wager on the present authority and made it the way for continuation. Will the authority put an end to corruption, rises in prices of many goods and products, begin changing leading posts in state institutions and choose experienced and new talent, account leadership in the light of reports by the central apparatus for audit and monitoring, put an end to exploitation of the public property and public service, speed up formation of a body for tenders, decide upon the Free Zone in Aden and begin in partnership through the stock exchange market?

It will all be revealed for us in the coming days. The upcoming stage, as much as it is a one of individuality and success, is a stage of a real and difficult test.

We have been late for too long, but instead of crying over spilt milk or make sterile arguments over reforms and change and results of the elections and the extent of their legitimacy, let us depart from biddings and give them no attention. Let us go on in our way, the way of progress and construction and the firm start after the elections and their results towards the future. Is this possible?

Prof. Abdulaziz Al-Tarb is an economist and a professor in Political Science. He is the head of the Arab Group for Investment and Development