ReflectionsBush is backCan the leopard change his spots? [Archives:2004/788/Opinion]
By Yahya Al-Olfi
[email protected]
Most Arabs and the majority of other peoples around the world wished the worst in the election for Mr. Bush. But the result did not surprise anybody because the democrats lacked the needed maneuvering this time as well as the charismatic Clinton-like figure.
It would seem that Bush's luckiest day was when Entrepreneur Bin Laden bore the responsibility for the destruction of the towers, an act, which is not sanctioned by true Islam and the like of which must be done by a non-Muslim even if the perpetrator claims otherwise.
Anyhow, this point of departure changed the destiny of Bush who last time barely won the elections through the Electoral College. The terrorist threat and the recent record of Bin Laden helped him this time to win 2004 elections, for a second term despite the fact that the American economy is not in good shape and unemployment has been on the rise.
This is partly related to his being surrounded by the warmonger Christian Zionists, who instead of taking care of today's welfare of the Americans, are preparing for the fanciful Armageddon Apocalypse.
Incidentally, both Bin Laden and Bush share being religious extremists and filthy rich. The first inducted himself as the paramount custodian of Islam and the second believes that it is his sacred duty to prepare for the divine Christian Zionist Foreboding. Senseless as it is, but this is what both are up to.
In the recent past many analysts believed Bush's promises to democratize Arab countries was to avoid future terrorist bouts. But, in the course of time he has proven being attentive to the right Christians' Ideology and the Jewish Lobbyists such as Wolfowitz more than anything else, taking into account Bush's conviction, owing to his being a Christian Zionist himself.
On November 04, Bush during a press conference was told that Yasser Arafat passed away and the journalist asked for his comments on that. Bush answered said that nothing would change in his Middle Eastern policy.
The new term for Bush in case he lives up to his promises is now at hand, during which he could implement this time purely an American agenda, not an Israeli one as was the case in his first term. In case Bush persists in his current stagnant policy, a likely defeat shall unavoidably occur to his party in the year 2008.
Let us assume that Bush would not obey his extremist fellows and shall exploit this rare chance to reach a historic long lasting solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict where both entities can live in peace.
Let us assume that he would dry up the sources of terrorism, which emanate from corruption and dictatorships.
A worse case scenario would be attacking Falluja in order to do the job as Bush says. If he ever succeeds, he would then direct his attention towards Syria and Iran. Pressurizing the first to sign a peace accord and the latter to get rid of its nuclear program. For those who know the Syrian reality, the Israelis would certainly prefer the current regime to an unstable Syria. The Americans too will be reluctant if there is no Israeli impulse.
In fact Bush can force the reforms, if the will is there, knowing that none of them would like to meet the fate of Saddam but as long as America gets its golden egg, time has not come to implement Democracy as is the case in an Islamic country like Indonesia.