ReflectionsIraqi and Palestinian electionsReal democracy or an American-made formula? [Archives:2005/806/Opinion]
By Yahya Al-Olfi
[email protected]
First and foremost I would like to express my condolences for all the victims of the typhoon-flood which was originated by the Indian Ocean's Tsunami earthquake, and thank endlessly nations and individuals doing anything to alleviate this human tragedy.
I also congratulate the safe release of the two French journalists and cannot wait to hear their real story and wonder whether France gave ransom or concessions, how and to whom. It remains a big unanswered question. I doubt that the French shall reveal its true ins and outs. Anyhow this is a digression from the subject which I would like to discuss today.
As we all know following 9/11, all Arab rulers were extremely shaky and afraid in that the USA shall keep its word, be serious and mad enough to impose real democracy on their cracking regimes. Now, almost three years have gone and nothing is in the offing. But on the contrary, Arabs now, have become entirely convinced that such an American intent was merely a chitchat and that America is better off with the current lucrative mode.
Paradoxically, America shall be soon put to the test, for elections are underway in the Israeli occupied Palestinian territories and in Iraq. Many Mid-Eastern experts are already convinced that there be “elections ” or “no elections” the result is already decided.
Allawi shall be the winner with regard to Iraqi Elections and in like manner Mahmood Abbas Abu Mazin in Palestine. If this is to happen the mistrust in American intents shall be enhanced even more because although both leaders are qualified for the job, they do lack the charisma and popular support. Iraqis refer to Allawi as an American puppet and Palestinians look dubiously at Mahmood Abbas Abu Mazin considering him an Israeli-American collaborator.
The Palestinian mistrust is mostly authenticated by the fact that Abu Mazin, when he was in office as the Palestinian head of government, merely gave concessions to Israel in return for nothingness. Remember his Sinai address which obviously cannot be reversed because he recently lambasted Israel as the “Zionist enemy” following the Israeli savage extermination of a Palestinian Farmer Family sinisterly by means of three Abrams Tank-Shells while the poor souls were tilling the land.
Therefore, in order to divert more hatred and more extremism the Americans shall be wise enough to avoid implementation of democracy in both cases, according to the usual Arab Style where only the accustomed 99.5% was merely lowered a bit here and there and believe it or not such lowering led to inter-Arab tensions. It is fairly presumable that even if both guys do get a 51 per cent win, still both peoples and all Arabs and for that matter Muslims would be doubtful concerning the veraciousness of such results.
I do believe that Palestinian figures such as Haydar Abdulshafi , Hannan Ashrawi and many others would fit for the post in the Palestinian case, if Americans and Israelis are seriously interested in resolving this loathsome conflict, although Abbas boasts Fatah Support.
As for Iraq I remember that my first article in Yemen Times was about this dilemma and I still think that my judgment is still valid, although I hope that the Iraqis can prove being more in advance of that opinion i.e. instead of power distribution along ethnic and sectarian lines a “secular governance policy”.
Be that as it may, these two imminent events shall for sure shape up the few coming years of Mid-East events either to the best or to the worse. Can Bush and his aides disappoint everybody's expectations! I hope so, although based on the balance of probabilities I doubt it.