ReflectionsNow that Arafat is goneIs a two-state solution possible? [Archives:2004/792/Opinion]
By Yahya Al-Olfi
[email protected]
The American Democrats during their tenure were more enthusiastic with regard to finding a resolution to the Palestinian Israeli conflict and their fault was their excessive bias towards Israel due to the overwhelming Zionist, pressure because American capital and media is owned by the American Jews, not to mention the unconditional fanatic support of American Christian Zionists.
Jews in America one day shall reap the results of their misconduct in the USA, not paying respect to other Americans ego and self esteem. Past American Presidents know better.
With the coming of the Neo-conservatives to the White House in such a clout, a new era in the American entity is signaled either towards prosperity or a spiraling demise. The administration's going about according to the theological tendencies shall unavoidably hit the first nail in the coffin of what once was USA.
So as I said Jews in America must check and rationalize their influence and must remember the physics theory which says that every effect has a counter-effect, equal in amount and contrary in direction. The time also has come to restrain Christian Zionists' influence because it is detrimental to America on the short and long run.
I still remember my grandfather telling me that his brother was working on a British Commercial Ship involved in the transportation of Jews from Marseilles following World War II. When his brother disembarked in Haifa (a main city in the then British Occupied Palestine and now is referred to as Jaffa by modern day's enforced manufactured Israelis), as soon as he left the seaport and entered the city wearing British clothing he was attacked by the indigenous Palestinians who as he recalled were armed with knives because the British colonialists did not permit Palestinians at the time to own guns or any kind of firearms.
He luckily saved himself by quickly shouting that he was an Arab from Yemen and that he was working on the British Commercial ship which was contracted to transport Jewish Europeans to Palestine; that he was obliged to remain on board in order to gain his subsistence as life was unbearable under the Imams at the time and thanks to his employment his family did not starve back home.
The Palestinians after knowing his story released him.
This story tells us that the British brought about this Middle Eastern crisis. They disarmed the Palestinians and provided the new swarms of European Jewish Immigrants firearms and advanced machineguns to subdue the indigenous Palestinian population. The British declared that they wanted two states living side by side and the United Nations adopted the same British theory.
History tells us that instead of thanking the British, Israelis attacked and killed British soldiers and prefects. So that was the Israeli reward for the British goiym! Now, Britain simply cannot and should not wash its hands off the crime it committed in the 1940s, and their recurrent timid declarations are of no use.
Bush and Sharon declared during the past four years that they could not deal with Arafat because as they claimed he was not an appropriate peace partner.
Now that Arafat is gone, both guys' credibility is at stake. Are they going to cooperate with the near future's newly elected Palestinian leadership or shall they insist on their futile conditions: security first and so forth of the monotonous American and Israeli logorrhea?
The British design for a two-state solution, which was hurriedly accepted by the Israelis in 1948, is the only reasonable solution for this conflict. The sour truth is that the bridle is in Jewish hands and Bush and Blair merely droop.
Therefore, although the just and lasting peace cannot be attained without a two-viable states solution, neither Bush nor Rice are capable of mending the ongoing vice despite some dillydallying and futile impractical projects which would entice the Palestinians and leave the Israelis unaffected, simply because the Israelis know very well that peace is their chief enemy and that today's Israeli ethnic cocktail cannot remain united except in fear and constant belligerence.
In other words we need a miracle to convince Israelis that they can remain united without fear.