ReflectionsWaiting for Godot or waiting For Jehovah? (Part 4)Who adores Israel more: Kerry or Bush? [Archives:2004/733/Opinion]

April 29 2004

By Yahya Al-Olfi
[email protected]

You might still remember that the first article bearing the above title was prompted by a casual discussion in a simple Sana'a cafe. It started with the intriguing question of who orders the other one about, is it Israel or USA?
Together we shall hopefully try to find the answer to this elusive question through this and the upcoming last article about the subject, hoping to have your essential timely feedback on this crucial and extremely important affair which has perplexed us all. You as myself are of course very much enamored with American media productions of horror movies, action films, soaps, comedy series and most importantly those portraying Arabs in stereotypes as sex maniacs, bandits and dull avid terrorists.
So let us have an outlook at the industry because it is related closely to our subject and you shall notice in the upcoming American elections that the upcoming “love story” or core of the electoral competition between Bush Jr. and Veteran Kerry shall be undoubtedly the ubiquitous monotonous complex of “who loves Israel more!??” Is it Bush or Kerry? Mind you! Both guys' wives do not feel jealous at all.
For your and my information, I have just known that CBS network comprises of 200 TV stations and is owned by gigantic “Viacom” the owner of “Paramount Pictures” which in its turn owns the following TV channels: MTV, VH1, Nickelodeon, BET which is exclusively destined to African Americans, Showtime and Infinity radio network which possesses more than 180 radio stations, UPN TV network which reaches 97% of American homes in addition to CBS.
This great network is run by Mr. Rothstein who has changed his typical Jewish name into a more fashionable one and that is Rodstone, so that he can go with the times. His deputy is also a Jew named Melvin Karmazin. It is worth mentioning that Mr. Rothstein or for that matter Rodstone is an active and unrivalled member in countless Zionist organizations.
In brief most of the other remaining media organs running the show in USA are being run by pro Israeli American Jews. In fact it has come to my mind to indicate the Jewish impact at the White House, so that we can have a better comprehensive conclusion. Thus, let us mention some of the Jews who worked in Clinton administration, and others working right now for Bush Jr.
The Clinton administration boasted having many Jewish members who were in charge in addition to those mentioned in one of my previous articles such as Keith Boykin, Jeff Eller, Tom Epstein, Judith Feeder, Richard Finebridge, Herschel Gouper, Steve Kessler, Ron Klein, Madeleine Conan, David Koznit, Margaret Hamberg, Manny Gruenwald, Karen Adler, Samuel Lewis, Stanley Ross, Dan Sifter, Elli Siegel, Martin Indic, Dennis Ross, Louis Fe, R. Ginsburg, Michael Waldmann, James Robin.
Meanwhile, Mr. Bush brags about having Eliot Cohen the defense policy council member who called bluntly for a no holds barred attack against Islam as a religion rather than at Islamic extremists, Mel Sembler the USA Export & Import Bank Chairman, Michael Chertoff a deputy minister of justice, Steve Goldsmith the special Consultant of President George Bush Jr. and is an intimate friend of the Israeli Ultra-extremist charlatan Ehud Olmert who used to be mayor of Jerusalem and now is a Cabinet member of the uncontested international War Criminal Sharon (by the way, in Arabic “Sharon” means “complete Evil” what a coincidence!), Adam Goldmann the Jewish Community's special representative at the white House, Joseph Gildenhorn Bush's special envoy to the Jewish Community, Christopher Gersten the first health minister deputy and the husband of the Labor Minister Mrs. Linda Chavez and both are bringing up their children according to radical Judaism, Mark Weinberger the deputy Treasurer, Samuel Bodmann the deputy Minister of Commerce, Bonnei Cohen a deputy foreign minister, Ruth Davis, Lincoln Bloomfield a deputy foreign minister for military affairs, Jay Lefkowitz the white house's budget legal consultant, Ken Melman a political manager at the white house, Brad Blakeman the agenda manager of the white house and at last but not least the chairman of the Central Bank Mr. Alan Greenspan.
I hope that with such information we can have a clear idea of how and why America is behaving as it does. It is to be noted that although Israel is based on an asinine legend, it is run through meticulous secular machinery and religion is merely used to bring about adherents from all over the world.
Of course with time, different Jews have developed the idea that they are Hebrew descendents, but unfortunately the bitter fact is that each and every Israeli, or for that matter Jew, belongs to his original ethnicity. naively, Jewish Arabs who say that we are cousins are in fact pure Arabs who happened to be Jewish and the same applies on the other Jewish Blend. In other words, present Israel is merely based on a religious heresy rather than on a non-existent old-time blotted out tribe.
You must observe that I do not hate Jews because they are Jews, but I really do hate butchers and children-killers like Sharon, Peres, Menahim Begin, Yitzhak Shamir, Ben Gorion, Golda Meir and the other miserable bigoted maniacs who have cold-bloodedly wiped out thousands of Arabs, namely Palestinians, the indigenous people of what is termed today as the State of Israel or the superstitiously-based “promised land.”
I have received emails from different Jews of different ethnic backgrounds, who blamed Arabs for the ongoing plight of the Palestinians, because according to them, the Arabs refused the 1948 United Nations Plan for the partition of Palestine between the Jews who were then, chucked from Europe and the indigenous population of Palestine.
This is partly true but we must remember that most Arab countries at the time were either under French or British direct occupation and thus they could not put up a fight at all let alone taking an appropriate decision. Furthermore, western powers were extremely sympathetic with the Jews who were indeed subjected to undeniable crimes in Europe.
But, it is a shame that the survivors are reticent about what is going on against the Palestinians except if they do consider them goiym of no value according to their holy Torah.
The next and last article about the title subject shall deduce the answer to the question, what are the Arab prospects of an Arab counter action? See you then.