ReflectionsWho is insensitive Geoff or Miguel? [Archives:2004/762/Opinion]
By Yahya Al-Olfi
[email protected]
Gibraltar is a mountainous island lying in the Gibraltar Strait sandwiched between Africa and Europe. The word “Gibraltar” comes from the Arabic “Jebeltariq” meaning the Mount of Tariq, an Arab Berber leader of the Islamic forces which invaded the Iberian peninsula and thereafter started the illumination of Europe, which at the time was under the mercy of religious hierarchies, feudal states and their vassals, which merely spread suppression and backwardness – just as our Islamic movements harbor nowadays for their respective countries.
Talking about this subject is instigated by a nonsensical declaration made by the Spanish Foreign Minister “Don Miguel Angel Moratinos” in that festivities commemorating 300 years of British presence and the visit of a British official are insensitive, considering that both countries are now members of the EU etc.
An Arab proverb says, “Do not forbid a manner which you yourself excel in practicing” because if you do, you are committing by that a gross monstrosity. Spain has occupied the Moroccan cities of Ceutha and Melila for a long time now and does not intend to return them back to Morocco. So it is unbefitting for the Spanish to preach moralities which they themselves do not stick to, and just remember how they occupied a small rocky Island near to a Moroccan Fishing village (Perijil) far away from the Spanish Mainland.
Premier Zapatero seems poised and composed, and shall certainly drive Spain away from such a “Spanish Inquisition Mentality” in that any concessions to be made by the British shall be more forthcoming when Spain sets the example, or is it because the others are Arab non-members of the EU?
Actually I wanted to speak about Israeli Monopoly on Suffering, because nowadays whatsoever there is of suffering in the world, Israelis claim that none is like theirs, and hence they keep repeating rubbish such as “We now produce arms and there is no more marching us to the ovens” whist massacring poor Palestinians day and night.
O.K understood, but that does not give you the right to rebuke Joseph Lepid just because his conscience awoke for a while, when he declared that seeing an elderly Palestinian woman lying dead on the ground, reminded him of his grandmother whom the Nazis massacred. Furthermore, setups perpetrated by Israelis in France in order to arouse French Public anger towards Arabs have miraculously failed. Insincerity and roguishness on the part of Israel and its Mosad secret service, e.g. “carrying out criminal missions” with Canadian and NZ counterfeited passports attest to such misbehavior and how Israeli accusations in the future must be, scrupulously and meticulously examined, taking into consideration the recently discovered setups, like the one recently committed at a Parisian Subway.
Wadi Bana is one of Yemen's most prominent seasonal rivers, it starts around Alqafr Directorate, passing through the districts of Alsaddah, Alnadirah, Rabiatain, Alshaib and other bordering villages. It is divided into two tributaries upon arrival in Abyan, one of which is named Hassaan while the other retains the original name i.e. “Wadi Bana”.
Both tributaries pour their excess waters into the Arabian Sea in the South where the British, during the occupation, encouraged agriculture namely Cotton and were followed by the Soviets at the time of the PDRY. Nowadays, people all along the Wadi connect their sewage systems to this Wadi and likewise chemicals and oils are being disposed off in the same manner.
A question is raised here, what is the use of the inefficient newly established Environment Authority? Generally speaking, in Yemen we should always beware of administrative figures appearing recurrently in newspapers just because they promote themselves and make false declarations to mask their condoning of pilferage.
I still remember how a minister gave an exaggerated statistical figure to invited foreign journalists, who immediately knew that he was lying because the booklet within their hands told otherwise (albeit those figures were exaggerated too). So the more an administrator is seen in papers, the more the evidence that he is one of the renowned self-promoting public money pilferers.
The theological megalomaniac “Al-Houthi” under the guise of his incitement Slogan “Death to USA and Israel” (exactly like the famous Iranians' “Mard Parr Amrica” slogan), has refused to surrender himself, and his ill mind has made him consider himself as an equal party vis a vis the state and the president, or else what is the meaning of his answers to the mediators like:
” ..We cannot receive more than three mediators in our country! We do not permit bodyguards as our country is secure If you want a solution go to Ali Abdullah he is the aggressor!?.
This mentally retarded bogus figure, considers himself an equal and reduces the status of the State to the status of his band of brainwashed idiots. There should be no remuneration for this criminal and his followers ever, because a religious based insurgency is far worse than any crime and if remunerated or concessions are given it shall surely lead to grave consequences.
Such hard headed and blind theological movements must be met by extreme penal measures and unrelenting force to wipe them out so as to set the record straight.