The Israeli extortion [Archives:2007/1012/Opinion]

January 1 2007

Al-Thawra newspaper view point
The Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert admitted Israel's possession of nuclear weapons. Although this is an unfamiliar precedence in the attitudes of the Zionist entity, it clearly discloses the degree of Israeli bragging and arrogance dominating the Israeli generals' mentality. Those generals who would never hesitate to blackmail the international community and practice all forms of pressure on it in order to impose the Israeli version in any issue. Especially regarding any attempt to stabilize just and comprehensive peace in the Middle East region and ensuring the return of the Palestinian right. Among those rights are their right to liberation, and the establishment of their independent state with Jerusalem as its capital.

Undauntedly, by that acknowledgement the Israeli entity has dealt a painful blow to the international organization for atomic energy concerned with limiting proliferation of atomic armament. In the wake of this Israeli statement it has become imperative for the atomic energy organization to declare and define its stand against it, especially that it known that an Arab country has been invaded and destroyed and its regime was toppled under excuse of its possession of banned weapons. Eventually, a charge the occupation failed to prove until now even after more than three years and a half since the invasion of Iraq.

Away from Olmert's admission of his country's possession of nuclear weapons the eye-catching thing is that selective talk mentioned by Israel's delegate at the UN Security Council open session. The delegate claimed the Arabs are divided into hawks ands doves, and extremists and moderates, feigning to forget the staunch fact about Israel's three entity where only the most extremists would assume power to an extent that extremism has become the most promoted trend inside the Israeli society.

Israel has used everything and exhausted everything and to day it has to comprehend that in order to live in the region in security, peace and stability it has to recognize all the Arab rights which had been emphasized by resolutions of international legitimacy. It has to understand that its possession of nuclear weapons or other types of prohibited arms and also practicing violence and killing and imposing occupation by force cannot at any event provide it with safety or security. It has to realize and learn from previous lessons that power of occupation failed to stand in the face of the peoples aspiring for liberation and independence. It can be learnt from the fate of the British colonialist hegemony or the French colonization that controlled most African areas or even the American presence on the Vietnamese territories. The result has always been one, i.e. that the occupation will not continue and that victory will always be for the people.

These examples affirm the Israeli occupation would inevitably end sooner or later and what Israel is presently doing is but a prolongation of the Palestinian people's suffering and doubling problems of the region. This consequence will also be reflected on Israel itself if it continues in its destructive aggressive policy. Such arrogance will be faced with more resistance not just at the level of the Palestine area but will extend to the entire Arab region. The indicators of this resistance appeared in the brave fighting by the Lebanese resistance that taught the Israeli entity a painful lesson and negatively affected the reputation of the Israeli army, which Israel was claiming it to be unconquerable one.

It is not a surprise for Israel to talk about Arab moderate and extremist powers in an attempt to split the Arab rank and throw dust in the eyes. We are used to Israel's promotion of lies including its great lie regarding the holocaust which is no more than an imaginary legend used for extortion of funds and obtaining support from the world, especially the west. What is going on the two cases of Dujail and Anfal in Iraq gives another face of to this extortion. There are intelligence sides promoting for those two “justifications” either to reach certain goals or to pass on certain plots.

It has become clear and certain that Israel's crimes of killing and destruction and its terrorism have exceeded in description all then unsightly crimes committed against humanity in old and modern history. There is no more horrible act than what Israeli is perpetrating in the annihilation of defenseless people in a war open for more than fifty years.

Time has come for the world to get liberated from this Israeli blackmailing and to begin adopting means to achieve just and comprehensive peace and to see the facts as they are away from hypocrisy and double standards. It is not wise that Israel remains committing crimes. The world has to realize that peace will not be established in the region without the return of the usurped rights to their owners and abiding by resolutions of the international legitimacy.

Al-Thawra newspaper view point published on Dec. 13, 2006.