The US Israel and AIPAC Axis of Evil [Archives:2006/938/Opinion]

April 17 2006

How much evil has come out of this ugly axis that has taken over the global scene and how much blood has been shed as a direct cause or indirect consequence of its evil intents and actions? It is really time to call a spade a spade and what we are seeing daily on the television screen speaks louder than a thousand words. The fact is that thanks to the prodding of the international Zionist establishment, the United States has turned into the champion of evil deeds. Look at Iraq. Everyday scores of bodies are laid to rest, most of them the bodies of innocent ordinary men, women and children who have been denied the right to live in peace and to enjoy stability because America's vision of the world have been fogged to blindness by a Zionist menace that has been bringing havoc to this region for over sixty years. To many people this situation is really unforgivable and unbearable. Even the most noteworthy of experts on the political and social spheres have attested to the fact that America is really veering off course, when it succumbs to the dictates of the demonic Zionist lobby that controls every opinion outlet in the United States and all the key positions that engineer policy and map out strategies. As for the “thousands of tactical errors” that Dr. Condoleezza Rice, US Secretary of State, finally comes to admit have been their only “faults” so far, these are clearly the workings of a devious notion that “power and strength make right in this world”, which is an inherent fundamental principle of Zionist doctrine.

Last week the United States again shows its unbreakable loyalty to its Zionist mentors at AIPAC (the American Israel Public Affairs Committee) by insisting that it will veto any United Nations Resolution that dares to even hint that Israel is overtly aggressive in dealing with the Palestinians. Here we are seeing Israel literally strangling the Palestinians, preventing their badly needed provisions and supplies from entering the Palestinian domains, withholding their badly needed money and daily killing and wounding tens of Palestinians, mostly innocent, men women and children without cause or justification and Uncle Bolton refuses to be “biased” and vote for a decision that calls for an end to this horrific injustice that is unleashed against the Palestinians. Yes, Israel is intending to clean out the rest of what remains of Palestine to make sure that it has full domination of the whole Holy Land and by slowly humiliating and destroying any semblance of decent life the Palestinians could ever hope for in their own turf, yet Uncle Bolton wishes to make the world understand that Uncle Sam has no qualms about the death of scores of people in a day, because it is doing the same unabashedly in Iraq. Thus the use of the veto power Washington has continues to serve the evil Zionist cause without hesitation by the Bush Administration and all that the Meashiemer-Walt study says about the Israeli Lobby is thrown out the window. We really have a big problem to contend with in our minds when we see the Walrus face of Bolton blurting out his uncompromising loyalty to the Zionist lobby, to which he has proven faithfulness and submission ever since he walked into the corridors of the United Nations. Nothing else should be expected from one of the engineers of the American demise that Iraq has come to be, especially as this demise was well planned for in Israel before it was entered into the computer games of Washington power enthusiasts, who believe that evil justified by power is acceptable. Yes, John Bolton should not be expected to hide his Zionist leanings and has come to allow himself the privilege of declaring his intentions before even having discussed them with Dr. Rice. After all he has cleared these intentions with AIPAC and the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai Brith. After having read the M-W study, one cannot help but see the Bush Administration make the facts on the ground so compatible with the report's findings and that anyone who has the least doubts on the findings of the report will find little difficulty in concluding that Mearsheimer and Walt were absolutely right: the American Israel Lobby is in fact the real source of all US foreign policy, especially when it comes to the Middle East. As such, it is not surprising to see that US foreign policy is leading the world into a dark and dismal future as Israeli chauvinistic policy has led this region into a dark and dismal present and an even more dangerously unpredictable future.