“They are the enemy” [Archives:2005/894/Opinion]
Since the dawn of Islam, even during the Prophet Mohammed's (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) life, Islam was beset by trouble from its very own. Yes, so-called Moslems (the Qur'an aptly calls them hypocrites) have time and again given more trouble to Islam and Moslems than that given by non-Moslem enemies of Islam. Thus, the Qur'an gave a clear warning as to the deceitful and conniving role of these hypocrites and many chapters and verses of the Qur'an puts them in the “bottom pits of hell” on the Day of Judgment.
When the Prophet Mohammed fled to Yathrib after most of the residents of the city proper (now called the “Medina”, or the “City of the Prophet”) have converted to Islam, while the establishment and the residents of his own native city Mecca were persecuting the Prophet and his early followers, he had to contend with three enemies. There were of course the pagan worshippers of Mecca and their tribal allies, who continued to pursue the Prophet and his followers relentlessly in the hope of eliminating the religion before it had its foot in place as a viable spiritual force in the Arabian Peninsula. Then there were the Jewish tribes that lived around the City of Yathrib, who upon realizing that the anticipated prophet that came to deliver the world, as previously proclaimed by both Moses and Jesus Christ (Peace of Allah be upon them all) was of the descendents of Ismael (Ishmael) rather than Ishaq (Isaac), both of whom are the sons of Ibraham, Abraham or Avraham (PABUH on them all), they turned against him. The rabbis had feared that Islam, which did not sanction any clerical order, would unseat them from the spiritual sway they enjoyed among the Jewish community) and thus prodded the Jews to turn against the Moslems in Medina.
Then there was the Fifth Column, or those residents of Medina, who claimed their adherence to Islam, but actually did not have the strong faith in Allah that is expected of Moslems, and privately went on to dismiss the teachings of Islam or twist its true principles as they so fit. The Holy Qur'an called these hypocrites the real antagonists of Islam and warned Moslems that “they are the enemy”, as they will bring more harm to Islam than anyone outside the fold of the Moslem community. Indeed, they were a very troublesome lot for the Prophet with their tow-faced image and their conniving with the paganists of Mecca from time to time, as well as the Jews.
After the Prophet passed away, a new form of hypocrites arose, who actually sought to portray Islam in a whole different context. They are called the “Khawarij” or Heretics. These people believed in a strict rigid interpretation of the Qur'an and sought to impose their belief on all Moslems, or else face death in very gory ways. They would even open up the bellies of pregnant women to make sure that their offspring are not born as “normal” Moslems and sanctioned the looting of property that belonged to “normal” Moslems after of course killing their rightful owners. They were defeated by Ali Bin Abu Talib, the late Prophet's cousin, son-in-law and right hand in his time, some forty years after the Prophet's passing away. Ever since then, they have formed clandestine gangs to continue propagating their misguided renditions of Islam.
In our times, we see the same kind of Moslem hypocrites with their exaggerated renditions of surface attributes to Islam (excessively long beards, corny use of some of the Qura'nic text and unusual love for excessive and gory violence. These are the so called terrorists that have fomented havoc everywhere in the world and have brought on the animosity of the West against Islam and Moslems, as they view these heretics as representative of Moslems and their beliefs. Nothing is further than the truth all these ugly bands of scientifically nurtured killing machines (they are brought up to be as such from their very young ages) and are the beneficiaries of large sums of petrodollars that have been funneled to them by some of the ruling establishments in the Arab world. They have set up alliances (or rather partnerships) with some of the rulers in the Moslem World, similar to that of the alliance between the Church and the European monarchs of the Middle Ages. The leadership of these religious misfits are usually poorly educated and cultured religiously, using some minor surface renditions of Islam to project them as devout Moslems, while in their own lives they allow themselves to violate the religion and its principles in whatever they deem fit. Their leadership is also wealthy and never seem to have a problem with money as they have ample sources they can rely on. Normal devout “missionaries” of Islam are usually pious and live an non-mundane existence, while these so called “missionaries” live in extravagance. One will also find that the leaders of these modern day Moslem hypocrites never themselves partake in “suicide missions” or direct confrontation, but rather send misguided converts to their corrupt renditions of Islam to do the dirty work for them, while claiming credit on internet web-sites that are mysteriously availed to them with ease.
The horrific attack in Amman was carried by these kind of hooligans, which Islam is totally unattached to and which in fact regards them as the real “enemy”, as the Qur'an has rightfully labeled them. How could any rightful Moslem partake in the killing of such Moslem personalities as Mustafa Al-Aqqad, the famous Syrian-American director of the classic film the “Message”, which has brought the proper tale of the Prophet Mohammed's life to western audiences in a beautiful masterpiece of cinematic art and the true picture of real “Jihad” as portrayed in “Omar Al-Mukhtar”? both films starred Anthony Quinn (in the English version of the former). This filmmaker has done more good to Islam than any of these religious misfits could ever hope to achieve, if we can assume that their claim to “serving” Islam can be given any merit, which is ludicrous of course. In fact these moronic bloodthirsty hypocrites have killed more Moslems than any enemies of Islam and thus will be relegated to the bottom levels of Hell, just as the Qur'an tells us and deservedly so, because of all the animosity they have raised against Moslems everywhere. May God guide those who continuously channel their funds to these hypocrites or allow these heretics to operate freely in Islamic countries to cease their generosity to these misfits for in the end they will also be adjudicated to be destined for Hell. And if one asks any Moslem about them, they will curse them and admonish them for their outrageous deviation from the true teachings of Islam.