To the Arab dinosaur [Archives:2006/928/Opinion]

March 13 2006

By: Atif Awad
I am addressing you, Arab dinosaur. I tell you that the current status of the world is the result of nations' experiences accumulating over time.

O, Arab dinosaur, it is he who has the ability to sense the rhythm of chance and development of life and possesses the awareness to deal judiciously with the present world's laws that can live a descent life. Did you know, my dear Arab dinosaur, that the contemporary age has laws and requirements that supercede and revoke the Jurassic laws and all that was imposed by dinosaurs on their peoples?

When will you ever understand that this age heavily depends on something called the revolution of information technology, and the mass media?

If you understood this, could you imagine, then, that the world is no longer a village but has been reduced, by virtue of the current laws, to a global neighborhood in which nations live side by side and are attached to each other?

The Jurassic sovereign boundaries and localized laws have come to an end. Gone are the days when dinosaurs were able to do whatever they wanted within their political boundaries and against their subjects. Now, a dinosaur is only to be held accountable for his oppression, crimes and squandering of the national wealth.

Do you understand, my dear Arab dinosaur, that the present era's wars have been waged due to dinosaurs' persistent attempt to build something that, if it goes off, can annihilate their neighbors on the shared earth?

O, Arab dinosaur, you have remained throughout ages the laughing stock for other nations, derided by them whenever you, prompted by the malign Zionist capitalist tamer, make a move at the UN meetings. The Zionist trainer knows well that you are a big dinosaur lacking senses and awareness of time and the evolution of the laws of life. You are unaware even of the fact that you know nothing except the Arab typical conviction that you are the sole ruler. Hence, all mankind justifiably laugh at you.

Your lack of senses and awareness of the laws of the age and life developments will not keep you barbaric and tyrannical forever. However, the life rhythm beating in the nation will shelf you as a stone statute, resembling the dinosaurs that fossilized a long time ago.

O, Arab dinosaur, if your tamer holds you as a scarecrow or to maintain his barbaric influence on us, don't feel secure for the very present moment embosoms the germ of change.

O, Arab dinosaur, thus did dinosaurs and their sacred values come to extinction; this is the way Arab dinosaurs die out; nobody would even shed a tear nor mourn over them.

Atif Awad is an Egyptian journalist and short story writer residing in Yemen.