We won resistance is the solution [Archives:2006/974/Opinion]
Dr. Abdulaziz Al-Maqaleh
The Arab citizen bowed his head for 50 years and suffered numerous defeats can now raise his head and say we have won a victory. If he is asked about signs of victory, he can proudly point to the heavy losses the enemy sustained at he hands of a group of the sons of our nation and by some of its heroes.
The month-long war between the Arab nation, represented by a resisting segment of its sons in Arab Lebanon, and the United States of America, represented by the Zionist entity, saw the resistance the victor.
The Arab citizen can indicate to the nation's reservoir of countless heroes. The latest war proved to the world the Arabs are capable of being a power that must not be underestimated and that their Zionist enemy is conquerable. The years of frustration and stages of exporting the psychological feeling of defeatism have weakened our national spirit and made the Arabs appear weaker than their enemy – who get support, weapons and moral backing from America and the West.
We can begin to ask what lessons the nation has learnt from the war and our answer is that the resistance itself is the solution. It is the form of any of our wars with all enemies and those occupying our territories. This lesson is not only what the Lebanese resistance has proved because it's seen with the resistance in Palestine and Iraq. The time will come when the Arab regimes truly represent the nation and the will of liberation and riddance of the nightmare of occupation, and then they can give the people the green light in expressing their anger and creating the means by which they'll realize their goals.
Surely, the Arabs will not stay on the margin of life because of the failure of some of the regimes. It is their right to express their wrath against what is going on and to prove their patience lasted longer than it should. The resistance must begin inside the occupied and desecrated land and not outside because that way no one misunderstands it and describes it as terror, as it is always the case.
While celebrating this victory, we must keep in mind that while the Zionist enemy retreated from Lebanon a defeated army it will now double its reactions against the Palestinian resistance. In order not to prevent the enemy from acting this way all hearts of the nation and capabilities must join and mobilize to support the Palestinian resistance to maintain their resistance. They cannot kneel or bargain after the destruction their lands and all their victims because resistance is the solution.
Dr. Abdulaziz Al-Maqaleh is Yemen's prominent poet and intellectual. He is the director of the Yemeni Center for Studies & Research.