What a real mess, George! [Archives:2003/681/Opinion]
About the only way, one can describe what is going in Iraq and in a lot places is “messy” and more messy as the days go by. What George Bush and his neo-con clique are creating is havoc of an unprecedented level in modern times and for which no real logical explanation can be found, except that evil only begets evil, no matter how nicely it is cloaked. In fact, one is ready to surmise that the Bush Administration may just be the worst evil that has ever entered the White House since the founding of the United States. Even the elements seem to be in agreement with this as the United States has never been subjected to such a level of natural calamities as is the case now. California is burning up even with a muscular Governor reigning in Sacramento; hurricanes are threatening all of the southern and eastern coasts continuously, etc. The mess just worsens from day to the point of threatening even the highest echelons of the new-con clique, as the Rashid Hotel rocket attack aimed at Paul Wolfowitz clearly shows. Soon, Condoleezza Rice will just have to put away her mini and don a suit of armor if she wishes to appear anywhere.
The adventure in Afghanistan was done wrong; the adventure in Iraq, not only was done wrong but was not even called for, which truly justifies all the mess that the Bush regime is being bombarded with daily. How can we rely on a messy regime to lead the world and to produce an international order that guarantees the peace and security of the world. With all the mess that we see emanating from the White House, the Department of Defense, the Ministry of Home Security and the lagging in behind Department of State, there is just no telling what is in store for tomorrow. Look at the score card of achievements: 9/11; a precarious future in Afghanistan, Georgia, Chechnya and Azerbaijan, with US policy centered on a serving the interests of the oil companies, opportunist war lords and benevolent dictators. A horrible violent mess in the Middle East manifested by bloody bombing attacks by God only knows who and a horrible state of affairs in Palestine, with Ariel Sharon having the time of his life destroying and killing anything that moves, while he builds a fictitious barrier that is meant only to ensure the longevity of his chauvinistic dreams and demagogic ideals. We now even have US Generals, who are declaring themselves the saviors of mankind from the evil Satans of the East. On the domestic front, the Americans are getting a taste of Third World totalitarian cream thanks to the free hand given to the Department of Home Security and the Agency for Naturalization and Immigration. We were under the impression that George W. Bush was a warrior against dictators overseas, when in fact he is actually pursing totalitarian rule in the US, with the neo-cons, the rich capitalists, and the National Rifle Association deciding the fate of the overwhelming majority of the American people, who have blindly stood behind this dangerous alliance of bad dealers for the United States.
Americans are bound to feel this and realize that what George W. Bush has become associated with is all the messy sides of any political, economic and social state of affairs in the United States and elsewhere. What we are seeing every day are the streams of blood flowing in the streets of Baghdad as though the Bush Administration has declared the city an open forum for cravers of bloodshed to come in and display the ugliness of torn bodies and flying ligaments everywhere. What has transpired in the last three years is a messy situation, which is as always hard to come out of no matter how many neo-con icons visit the site.
Time and again, the sponsors of this great mess are ready to come and tell us that they are seeing progress daily, but the truth of the matter is we are seeing a worsening situation, which is now even coming ever closer to the great spokesmen for this great adventure. Needless to say, it is pathetic to see such horrendous attacks as those against the UN headquarters in Baghdad, or that of the Red Cross. But it would not be far fetched to continue the assertion that the evil forces that are behind the adventure in Iraq are behind these mysterious attacks because they see this as serving their interest from a public relations standpoint. After all they have nothing to loose by staging such horrific attacks, which are meant to give justification for their own evil mess. We again insist that Zionist demons are most likely behind such mysterious attacks. For one, the resistance in Iraq would not stand to gain by attacking their own people, and for another the people behind such actions usually do not need the Red Cross as they are accorded ample means by the neo-con Zionist establishment anyway.
Mr. bush, we have to remind you that the elections are coming up and unless you produce a less messier picture in Iraq, you and your neo-cons are bound to start feeling the mess you have created become heralded back at you. As the saying goes, you will not be able to fight mess with mess.