When the effort lacks good intentThe going will always get rough [Archives:2003/684/Opinion]

November 9 2003

It is no wonder that the American careless handling of the Iraq adventure was doomed to produce unfavorable results for all concerned, especially the Americans, who undoubtedly are spending countless billions on the adventures laid out by arrogant neo-cons who see the world as a playground for trying out their deadly political and economic experiments. In less than a week the American casualties are around thirty five dead and an unknown number wounded as the Iraqi resistance displays its most destructive toll on the occupation forces. Yet Mr. George W. Bush continues to play the role of the patron figure for democratic ideals and insists that he and he alone knows what is right for the Middle East and the Moslem World.
To this, all we can say is give us a break, Mr. Bush, we do not see you as the person most qualified to be teaching people about democratic ideals and principles, when your Administration has worked towards quelling democratic practice in the United states more than any other Administration in modern times. We have no choice, but to tell you that you lack the sincerity and the genuine good intents that are required of great leaders to come out and pass judgment on who has done good and who has done bad. For three years the world has watched as you have railroaded the United States into highly expensive and ineffective military adventures, none of which have been successful in reaching the declared goals they were set up for, and frankly speaking, we have a strong doubt as to the achievement of the real dubious goals that really should be viewed as the cause d'حtre of these crazy adventures.
The irony of all of this hasty tough cowboy policy of dealing with such phenomenon as terror and poor leadership (paradoxically, they go hand in hand) is that the policy is doomed to failure and the only obvious explanation for all this failure is the fact that the Bush Administration and its neo-con establishment has ventured to carry out an agenda that has many flaws to it. For one thing the obvious lack of good intent prevails in all this calamitous behavior. With the obvious prevalence of Zionist flavoring to the Bush Foreign Policy, as well as the desire to placate other narrow interests that stand strongly behind the Bush Administration, with Vice President Richard Cheney overseeing these interests, it goes without saying that the policy is bound to slam into the wall of failure and frustration, that normally comes with all efforts that are clearly lacking in genuine good intents and sincerity.
Time and again, the American fumblings fail to ring a clear warning bell that Uncle Sam is doomed to fail, unless he sticks to the real fundamentals of true American leadership, based on the foundations of the founding fathers of the United States, who in their wide span of wisdom once warned of allowing Zionist influence to penetrate deeply into American thought and culture (We are aware that Zionism was not “in existence”” at the time of the founding fathers